Stay Still

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Later in the evening Mark was sat inside the tent making sure he had everything ready for when he went to sleep. He made sure his sleeping bag had a far distance between his and Howard's, just so he won't get hit

"Guys! We need to get a fire going, it's getting cold now" Gary shouted so they could all hear him "don't let him in charge" Mark said looking towards Howard as he came out the tent, Howard just looked at him "look because rob forgot your scarfs doesn't mean you can get pissy okay?"


"Can you two stop arguing for two minutes honestly I feel like I'm with toddlers" rob sighed but chuckled "he started it" mark and Howard said at the same time. Gary just shook his head and rolled his eyes at their behaviour "mark we CANNOT start a fire without fuckin wood!!" Howard was dumbfounded by what he just heard "well I never said no..."

"You just specifically said we do not need wood, on what planet would you start a fire IN THE WILD with out wood?"

"Look me and gaz will go and look for the wood can you two be trusted on your own together" Robbie piped up throwing a torch towards Gary, it was a bit dark so they needed the extra light "as long as he doesn't start his shit we'll be fine"

"Excuse me.."

"Rob just leave them they'll be like this the whole time we're here" Gary slung his arm around Robbies shoulders as they left the arguing pair, not seriously arguing, but arguing nonetheless

Getting a far way away from mark and Howard, Robbie stops walking and turns round to see Gary closely behind him. He stepped till he was toe to toe with him and just looked deep in his eyes. Gary knew that look, he knows it all too well. He just looked back at the emerald green eyes, the eyes that have been teasing him all day "rob.." Gary breathed as he felt Robbies hand lift his jaw up as robbie softly attached his own mouth to Gary's. Slowly and deeply kissing they both let out little moans, feeling the familiar feeling in the trousers Gary pulled back

"We can't. Not here anyway, mark and Howard a minutes away"

"Ssh don't worry about them" Robbie cooed kissing Gary check, then jaw, then neck and finally the place that Gary loves, under his ear. The older man gripped onto Robbies forearm as he felt his knees go weak just from Robbies kisses "they're arguing anyway they won't notice...unless you're too loud and can't be quiet" Robbie breathed the last part directly down his ear knowing Gary will give in, he heard a thud on the ground and seen Gary dropping his flashlight and felt the now free arm gripping round his slim yet well build waist "are you seriously suggesting we have sex here? In the woods?!" He raised his eyebrow and smirked

"Why not? It's the only time probably we'll get to shag this weekend"

"Oh I don't know about that, I had plans for tonight" Gary grinned as he walked Robbie backwards till he was up against a tree, it wasn't the most comfortable thing to lean on but it'll do, Robbie thought. Gary held his arm strongly around Robbies waist still as his other hand found the button on the younger mans shorts "always been a friend of nature haven't you" Gary laughed lowering himself to his knees, he took a mental note to clean the dirt off his knees so mark and Howard wouldn't get suspicious

"Don't fuck" Robbie threw his head back running his hands through Gary's perfect hair as he felt Gary's hot breath bounce off his throbbing hard length "hmm? What do you want" Gary quizzed kissing the tip sending violent shivers through the younger man "mouth fuck just use your mouth" Robbie begged thrusting his hips forward only to be greeted by Gary's hands pinning them back against the tree "I think I'm more worried about you not being quiet" Gary chuckled raising his top a little bit to kiss the tattoos on Robbies stomach and then took Robbie whole in his mouth "Jesus christ" Robbies head hit the tree as his eyes snapped open, gripping the back of Gary's head tightly he moved his head at the speed he wanted it showing Gary just what to do. The other hand worked on Gary's jaw getting it slacked and relaxed making it easier for Gary as Robbie hit the back of his throat "I won't...last..a..any.." Robbie gritted out and felt his cock twitch indicating to Gary he was close "come on rob, let go babe" and with that Robbie felt his entire body reach euphoria, he could see stars and galaxy's bloody everything as Gary was sucking him dry. Making sure they're was not one drop of cum left in him

"Get up here" Robbie breathlessly moaned pulling him up by the hair "fuck I taste good" he groaned against Gary's mouth as he kissed him tasting himself on Gary's mouth "you always do" Gary whispered as he felt his shorts being pulled down "I need you! Need you now"

"Rob we have nothing with us..."

"I don't care improvise! I fuckin need you" he whined thrusting into his own hand as he stroked himself back to hardness "up" Gary taped his thighs as he lathered his own length in spit, not the cleanest idea he's ever had but it's all he's got and well he needs to fuck Robbie now

Feeling secure on Gary's hips Robbie put his arms behind his head as his upper back still rested against the tree and the lower back is arched off the tree "you ready" Gary kissed all over Robbies chest and bending his head down to bit his nipple "God get on with it" Robbie spat getting impatient. Nodding in agreement Gary pushed in breaking past the first layer of muscle

"Where have they gone" they both heard a familiar voice and Gary's head snapped up from Robbies neck throwing his hand over Robbie mouth to keep him quiet, he wasn't quiet as his spot was being repeatedly hit by Gary's expert aim "how am I meant to know that? If I knew that we wouldn't be looking for them would we" Gary made out the voice, it was mark!

"Stay still and don't make a bloody noise" Gary whispered in Robbies ear keeping his hips going and hand over his mouth "fuckkk" Robbie groaned "I said no noise do you want to get caught" Robbie gripped on to Gary's top landing his head on Gary's chest, hand still covering his mouth. He's never good a being quiet, especially in this situation so Gary knows they need a miracle to not get caught

"I think they went down by the waterfall" Howard said getting Gary a little more worried because that's the exact direction their in, they're literally seconds away from the waterfall and Robbie is currently a withering mess in Gary's chest as Gary still slowly moves his hips in a figure of eight motion "ssh it's okay love they'll be gone soon" Gary kissed his head trying to keep him quiet but failing "no I think they went the other way I heard rob speaking about a place that has loads of wood, it's this way" mark directed him and Howard in the complete opposite direction

"Fuck I thought they'd catch us" Gary groaned as he pulled out of Robbie and slammed back into him at full speed...

30 minutes later

Mark had managed to get the fire started after much dispute from Howard, looking at his watch mark noticed Gary and Rob had been gone for well over an hour now and it was getting worrying since it was getting dark "are you going to start cooking or what?"

"I'm sorry since when did I become the Gordon Ramsey of the group"

"The minute you became a diva"

"You think I'm a diva..."

"Hayup were back" Gary shouted over carrying wood in his arms and Robbie was doing the same "what? You've started a fire?" Robbie was confused, he looked at Gary then at mark and Howard "well you two took forever what were you doing?" Howard asked and noticed a button missing on Robbies shirt, his bit the inside of his cheek getting an idea of what they were doing but said nothing

"We just got talking, by the waterfall sorry we took so long" Gary nervously laughed and noticed Robbie shift on his feet fearfully "what were you talking about" Howard pushed "Howard! That's private" mark scowled hitting his knee "what? I'm just curious you took ages" Howard laughed

"Lets just get the food on the go yeah, it was nothing important" Robbie said scratching the back of his neck then noticed his button was missing

Shit, I need to change my top before they notice

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