Nervous Atmosphere

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Bouncing his knee up and down as he began eating Robbie couldn't deny his fear of actually coming out. It's a massive thing to do, never mind when you're nearly 40! So for Rob, tonight was a big night and he didn't want anything to go wrong

Nervously chewing on his food, mark noticed something was up with Robbie. He would usually crack a few jokes and be lively but not tonight. Tonight he's like a scared little boy and mark can't figure out why

"Rob? Are you okay mate" mark finally broke the silence earning everyone to look at him as he looked at Robbie, robbie lightly lifted his head and the green eyes that were usually filled with mischief were full of worry. His heart starting beating faster, he knows it's a simple straight forward question but he's finding it hard to even think straight to form an answer


Mark spoke again but the words kept going over the stoke lads head and Gary looked towards his lover starting to get worried that he wasn't ready to come out. As Gary went to speak Robbie quickly shut him down and forced a smile out "Yeah mate I'm fine, just not feeling too cleaver"

"Are you sure? You seem nervous"

"Honestly mark, I'm fine"

Nodding his head and leaving the conversation mark went back to eating quietly, Howard, however didn't buy it. He knew something was up but didn't say anything just yet

After everyone was finished eating Gary collected the metal tins they brought to eat out off and put them In a pile and took a mental note to wash them In he waterfall later. Looking round at his fellow band mates and best friends he started to feel anxious too, what if they don't accept them? What if they never talk to them again? It's a big thing to keep a secret and mark and Howard don't like being kept in the dark about anything, let alone something as big as this.

Feeling a large hand on the base of his back, Gary flinched as he looked over his shoulder and instantly relaxed once he realised it was robbie. He could see the same anxiousness and worry in his lovers eyes and didn't want to cause Robbie to have a panic attack, he still doesn't know about the mini one earlier.

"What was wrong at dinner and please don't lie to me robbie, I know something was eating at you" turning round to face him properly, garys words touched robbie. He loves knowing that Gary genuinely cares for him, it's what makes him love the northern man. Digging his hands deep into his pockets he looked at the ground trying to find a answer for Gary but he just couldn't. He didn't want to break garys dream of coming out.

"Are you worried about what they'll think? Is that it" Gary gently tried to coax Robbie into telling him what the problem was, he knew the younger man better than he knew himself, he's always been able to get to the bottom of the problem where Robbie is concerned. Looking for his green eyes, a tear escaped Robbies eyes as he started to speak

"I know...I know you really want this, to come out and that but what if they don't accept us gaz? What then? Because I don't know if I'll be able to deal with that..."

"Hey hey, come here lad, I'm feeling the exact same way" Gary brought Robbie in for the tight hug. His arms around the younger mans waist as Robbies went over garys shoulders accepting the hug. They stood there, not far from Mark and Howard, knowing they'd probably be seen exchanging an intimate hug they pulled back after a few minutes "I hate this"

"I know sweetheart, me too" Gary gently cupped the younger mans face, rubbing his thumbs under Robbies eyes in a soothing manner. After a few seconds Robbie had composed himself and felt somewhat embarrassed for getting het up about it

"I'm sorry"

"Don't you dare apologise Robbie, I'm glad you told me, so bloody glad, because I know now I'm not the only one feeling like that. If you want, we don't have to come out tonight, we can wait till we go home if that'll ma..."

"No!, we said we'd do it tonight so it's happening tonight" robbie meant it, he did want to do it tonight but the fear was a natural emotion for him in any situation. Nodding understandingly, Gary took hold of Robbies
L. O. V. E. tattooed hand and rubbed his thumb over the knuckles making robbie a little more relaxed "okay, tonight it is"

Few hours later

They all had gathered round the little fire Mark had battled to make and Howard had threatened to put out of mark didn't stop being childish.

"Why is there a uncomfortable atmosphere, is something wrong?" Mark was instantly concerned as to why Gary had asked them to sit down so they could talk. Lifting his head up, robbie rubbed his hands together nervously as he looked towards Gary "is this too much for you rob? We can take everything slower..."

"Mark just...just shut up for a minute mate, please" Robbie somehow found courage to get Mark to be quiet. His eyes were clouded over with visible worry and Gary took this as his chance to speak

"Me and Rob, well I suggested it but we both agreed...we hope this doesn't cause any problems between us as friends or the band but we've decided to tell you that we.."

"You're together" Howard smirks

"What?!" Robbie screeched, Gary just stared at him with a confused yet amused face as if to say 'how the hell did he know'

"Come on you were hardly gonna tell us you've finally got Rob to agree to hiking, were you?"

" did you know? We've been so cautious" Gary stumbled out once he fully took in what just happened, Mark and Howard just chuckled lightly "how we know doesn't matter, what matters is that we know. Look, it won't affect anything in the slightest I guarantee that. Just please don't do what you done in the studio last month, when you said you were going for 'the teas' you aren't fooling anyone, tea isn't that loud to make Gary"

Gary's face went brighter than he's ever been in his life, he didn't think anyone knew about that they'd been so careful. Clearly not careful enough, as proven.

" everything is okay?"

"Yeah Robbie, everything is fine. You are gay, it's not the end of the world mate" Mark winked making robbie smile broadly, standing up he embraced Mark in a tight friendly hug "love you Markie"

"I know"

As they pulled back from their hug, Gary looked at Robbie and Robbie looked back at his now official boyfriend. Snaking an arm around garys waist and bringing him in for a warm, loving hug he breathed in the smell that can only be described as Gary.

"I love you"

"I love you too Robbie" Gary gently placed his mouth over his lovers in their first kiss as a open couple

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