Chapter 4. Casey.

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Chapter 4. Casey.

"You've really got to be kidding me," my voice cracked, tears welled up in my eyes. I wiped them off with my hands.

"You'll start your Chemo Therapy next week. I never like telling my patients this kind of news, but I hope that sometime I will be able to tell you good news. I'm sure I will when your brain cancer is gone," Dr.Nelson grabbed his folder off the counter, and started to write something. I swallowed hard.

"I hope so," I whisper-sighed. "Can I go home now?"

"Yeah, you can go home now. Just have your mom call the office once she gets home from work."

I got up, Dr. Nelson patted my back, I squirmed out of his reach. "Bye," I said.

I grabbed my coat from the seat in the waiting room.

It was freezing outside, and I thanked god that I lived close to the doctors office. Sometimes, I hated the fact that I had to return so often. But if I didn't, I would never get rid of this cancer. Mom was always working when I visited the doctors. She pretty much worked all the time. My cell phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out of my back pocket. It was my boyfriend, Corey. I would never tell Corey about my brain cancer. He would never understand... He wouldn't care.

I pushed the accept button.

"Hey babe!" He exclaimed as soon as I answered.

"Hey, what's up?" I tried to hold back the emotional mood I was in.

"Not much, I miss you though."

"We just saw each other at school today, though. You can't miss me that much," I walked slowly, the wind blowing my dark brown hair. I was almost there now.

"Well, I do, I'll even prove it to you."


"You'll see."

I giggled. Whatever that means.

I finally reached my house, and walked up the porch to see a million giant balloons shaped like hearts floating in the breeze on my porch. I smiled and forgot I was still talking into the phone. "Did you..." I began to talk. Someone came up behind me, and gave me a hug. I jumped. It was Corey. I recognized the comfortable feeling that he brought, and of course the smell of Axe overwhelming me.

"I love you this big," He said, kissing me lightly.

"I love you more than the world," I replied, touching noses with him.

I totally didn't deserve such a great boyfriend. This was amazing.

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