Chapter 10. McKayla.

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Chapter 10. McKayla.

I rested my head on my hand, and blew the stray hair out of my face. It didn't seem to stay in the back of my head, where it belonged.

There was only one word to describe me right now. Bored.

I was at Cecilia's brothers birthday party. Daniel was turning nine today, and I was forced to go. It's not that I didn't want to go, it's just that, Daniel was having a "Power Rangers" themed birthday party, and Cecilia wanted me to keep her company. I had already been at Daniel's house for two hours, and only two of his friends were there, playing with action figures.

"Die, die!" Daniel shouted, making his action figure jump up on his friends action figure. This is what I had seen all day.

The front screen door opened to the house, and entering was Cecilia's cousin, Chase, which was pretty much like a brother to her. He was always over to the house, and I guess loved to get away from home. Chase was pretty attractive, and once Cecilia found out I had a crush on him. We were playing truth or dare. She always gets something out of me. Secretly though, I was hoping that maybe I could get Chase to go on a date with me. Now was my chance.

I waved at Chase and smiled, he came over to me. He bit his lower lip and said, "Hey." He had dirty blond hair, and a retainer that flashed every time he smiled. He was cute, and we usually had things in common. I had a lot of crushes on guys, but I thought that Chase was the cutest. Well, now that I hated Andrew.

"Hey, what's up?" I give him a fist pump. We usually did that. I had no idea why.

"Nothing much, just wanted to come here, I was pretty bored at home. Where's the entertainment?" He winked and cracked his knuckles.

"I'm not sure what you mean by entertainment, but I do have something to ask you." I stood up.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Would you maybe want to go to the movies with me on Friday?" I gave the best girly smile I could.

"Um..." He looked to the left and right. "I don't know. I meant the entertainment was your sister," He admitted, frowning. I remained speechless, looked at him for a while, and walked away. Was I really that ugly? Maybe Andrew was right. Nobody wanted to date ugly girls. But my sister didn't look much different than me, she was just a year older, and maybe a little more slutty.

I walked downstairs, to Cecilia's basement and flopped down on the couch. I wouldn't cry. I was tough. Boys are boys. They don't mean anything. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Cecilia!" A tiny voice cried, coming towards me. "I need you!"

I quickly got up from the couch and rushed over to the stairs. "Daniel! Are you okay?" My heart was racing, Daniel sounded like he was in severe pain.

When I finally reached him, he was laying down on a step. "I need.... I need... something!"

"What happened?" I yelled, demanding to know how he was hurt.

"My lips," He said, starting to smile a little bit.

"What about your lips?" I stomped my foot and crossed my arms. This was such a joke.

"I need you to kiss them, because I got a ouchie there!" He got up, and ran in my arms. He was really laughing now.

"Oh please." I rolled my eyes and pushed him off of me.

"It's my birthday, you have to give me a present!" He exclaimed, pouting.

"I already did," I took my red reading glasses off my head, and got closer to him. I looked at him straight in the eye. "I got you a Power Ranger movie!"

"Come on, that's not a real present," He got closer and put an evil smile on his face.

"Yes it is. Daniel, your nine! I'm fifteen!"

Before I could say object, he grabbed my head, and kissed me. His lips tasted like candy, with a mixture of soda. I kicked him right in between the legs. How dare Daniel steal my first kiss!

"Eww!" I screamed as loud as I could. "Your disgusting!"

He tried to run back upstairs, stumbling trying to walk. When he finally got there, I heard him and his friend giggling. Suddenly, I felt like I was going to barf. Daniel, nine years old, my best friends little brother, was the last person I wanted to be my first kiss.

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