Chapter 8. Casey

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Chapter 8. Casey.

It was the day after my Chemo Therapy, and I couldn't stand to look at myself in the mirror. My hair was entirely gone. And it made me want to cry everytime I saw it. I had been growing out my hair for the longest time, eventually to get it cut off for Locks Of Love. Now... I needed my own hair.

I try to look at this cancer in a positive way. I look like my idol Brittany Spears now, when she shaved her hair off. But that doesn't even make me feel better. Everytime I thought of Corey seeing my new look, I got nervous. My stomach did a couple flips. And they weren't good flips, either. Not the one's that I usually get when Corey kisses me, or hugs me. The one's of regret. I didn't know what he was going to do. But knowing Corey, he wouldn't take it well.

My phone began ringing to, the song, "Lovesick," By Emily Osment. That meant the Corey was calling.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Casey..." He sounded upset. "Why did you miss the big game?"

"Oh gosh..." I replied, sighing. I totally forgot about the last football game of the season. I was suppose to go and support him. I wouldn't be able to go anyway, even if I did just forget. "I forgot to tell you, I was sick."

"Come on, couldn't you have just took a pain medication and suck it up? You know how important this was to me, Case!" He exclaimed, getting more angry now. He didn't even know what I was going through, but yet he didn't care to ask.

"I'm sorry! But I was really sick," I honestly spoke.

"With what?"

"My head."

"Oh come on, Casey! A head-ache can go away in like fifteen minutes! Are you that lazy?"

"Don't call me lazy, Corey! You have no idea!"

"Alright. Your just my good luck charm."

"Corey!" I exclaimed. "I'm breaking up, sorry I can't hear you anymore I gotta go!" I lied. And with that, I hung up the phone. I wasn't going to take any of his crap now, especially when I didn't feel good. I was so weak, and I hated moving at all. I laid down on my pillow, and began to feel tired again. Slowly, I drifted off to sleep. School was coming tomorrow.


My legs shake, as I walked into the hallways of my school. I admit it, I was terrified. I didn't know how people would react, and mostly all I could picture in my mind, is people making fun of me. They wouldn't care that I had cancer, they wouldn't even bother to ask a question or say a simple, "I'm sorry."

I wore a white plain sweatshirt, and ripped jeans. I kept my hood over my head, for as long as I could. People didn't need to see. I just hoped a teacher didn't yell at me, because having hoods on at school is against the dress code. I guess they don't want anyone to carry around a weapon. Sure, someone is going to carry a knife or gun in a hood, because there is no way that you could kill yourself in the process!(And I meant that sarcastically)

It was hard to walk, and my vision was a little bit fuzzy, but it felt good to be back at school again. It told me that everything was going normal, and that I was going to be okay.

Well, at least I hoped I was okay.

Up ahead, I saw a hallway of lockers. I smiled. Everyone was laughing, or giggling, yelling or shouting. It was totally normal. Nobody was paying attention to me. Probably because, nobody recognized me. I was bald, wearing no fashionable article of clothing, with a hood over my head. If anything, people would want to run away from me.

I went to my locker, got my math textbook, and went inside my math class. I was the first one in. I sat down at my usual desk, trying to act as normal as possible, until...

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