Chapter 25. Alice

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Chapter 25. Alice

Casey ran towards Kendall, pushing people out of the way as she did, while tears rolled down my cheeks. 

There Kendall stood, with Casey's old popular friends, Sierra and Elizabeth, talking and giggling with him, with their arms around him. Sierra kept kissing Kendall on the cheek, and he didn't back away. What was wrong with him? 

I wasn't prepared for this, I didn't even know what to do. Casey bolted for him even faster now. 

When she got to him, I could barely even look, there was so many tears in my eyes. I heard Casey scream though. I had never heard her so angry before. 

"Kendall! What the hell is wrong with you?" Casey screamed at Kendall. I wiped away the tears to look. "Do you know how much Alice cares about you?" 

Kendall didn't answer, he just remained speechless. Sierra pushed Casey out of the way, and Casey got more angry. Her face turned bright red, gave her next move no thought. She punched Sierra right in the face. She must have gotten a lot of confidence since the karaoke thing. But that still didn't give her the right to do that! 

I ran after her, but I wasn't quick enough. She punched Kendall in the nose, making blood gush everywhere. People were screaming. My heart was thumping, and I felt like it was about to explode. 

"Casey!" I tried to scream out. "Stop!" 

I reached out and grabbed Casey's arm, and pulled her away. I noticed she was crying too. Soon enough, the police rushed over, and took her away.

"No!" I screamed after her. The police couldn't take her!


The rest of the night was awful. I couldn't stop shaking, I couldn't even think straight. My Mom came up behind me and squeezed me on the shoulder, making me jump. 

"Casey's in the hospital now," She informed me. 

"What? Why?" I jumped up.

"Apparently, the pain medications that her doctor gave her, have a strong affect." Mom walked over and sat on the couch. "That's why she was acting different today."

"Why would they give her pain medications, if they weren't suppose to be used?" 

"Well, one of the nurses is going to be fired because of that. Those pain medications were strictly for adults only." She scratched the back of her head and sighed. "It was a huge mistake to ever give her those." 

I suddenly felt dizzy for a minute. "Is she going to be okay?"

"I hope so." She motioned for me to come closer to her. I sat next to her on the couch, and put my head on her shoulder. She brushed her hand through my hair. "Don't worry."

It felt like I didn't have anymore tears left. I cried them all out. "Can we go visit her now?"


When Casey finally woke up in her hospital bed, she saw me and smilied. "Alice," She said.

"Hey. Move over a little bit," I said, while climbing into the bed with her. 

"What happened?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" 

"At the festival." 

"Well," I managed to put a smile on my face. "You sang there, at karaoke. You were amazing, and everyone cheered for you!"

"Did I really do that?" She smiled too, and it occurred to me, she probably didn't remember about the other thing. That might have been the worst sight in my life. Here I was, heartbroken, and scarred for life, because my best friend had a recation to a medication she wasn't even suppose to take. It was too much to handle in a day, or maybe in a lifetime. Fifteen year old teenagers, are suppose to be living their life, having fun, not worrying every second. 

Before Kendall came into my life, I always pictured myself not being in a relationship until after High School. I would go to Prom with my friends, and never worry about the stress that comes with a relationship. But I had this giant crush on Kendall, and the relationship moved so fast, that I barely had anytime for fun. Casey was always there to support me, but I didn't feel like a kid anymore. I felt like an adult, with too much stress. I had headache's all the time, and I would always change myself. Why did I even do that? Now I regret every minute of it.

"Alice?" Casey asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"Sorry, what?" I said, focusing again.

"Did I really sing on stage in front of everyone, today?" 

"Yes, you did." I patted her on the top of her head, and she laughed.

"That medication must have had some strong affect on me. I would have never done that." 

"You have no idea, Casey." I shook my head, in disbelief. 

I and Kendall's relationship was probably over. Casey was in the hospital again. Now what was there to be excited about?


When I arrived at Kendall's house the next day, he looked shocked to see me. I looked at him, speechless. He was the same adorable Kendall, except his nose broken, and wrapped up in what looked like toilet paper. With that thought, I couldn't help but to smile. Good thing he didn't notice.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, being less than thrilled. I couldn't blame him. My best friend broke his nose. He probably thought I told him too.

"I wanted to say sorry," I sighed. "I never told Casey to do that. The pain medication she was taking, wasn't the right kind for her. A nurse even got fired for giving it to her."

"I'm not mad," He admitted. "I would have probably done the same, if another guy was all over you like that."

"I also think I deserve an apology," I said. 

"Sit down, Aly," He replied, grabbing my hand and sitting down with me.

"I swear, It's not what it looked like. I know that everyone says that in movies, when their cheating and all. I would never hurt you. I'm not that kind of guy." He put his head in his hands, and looked down at the floor. It looked like nobody was home, and it was very quiet in his house, unlike the previous times I've been here. "They were all over me. I didn't know what to do. I'm a good guy, so I didn't really know how to shake them off, I've never been in that situation before. I was getting so mad! I feel really bad now, I wish they never came. Those girls are just... a word. I'm not going to say it." 


He turned to me and looked at me like I was insane. "Did you really just say that?"

I nodded and laughed. "Well, it's true, isn't it?" 

We both burst out laughing, and couldn't stop for a minute. When we were done, I hugged him tightly and didn't want to let him go. 

"Friends for now?" I asked, surprised that even came out of my mouth. I never thought of me and Kendall being just friends, but it even sounded right. I needed this. I needed my teenage fun life back. 

I couldn't wait to have it. 

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