Frank and Rayna Part 1

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Unrequited Love- Frank and Rayna

Author's Note: This story will not be like other stories that I have written in the past. In life there are many turns and bumps, and smooth spots, but how we face these challenges make us who we are. There are three couples in this world that I'm creating, and each couple's story will be told in their own time.

As the story develops, so will the characters. At the end, all three couples will reunite to bring the story to a close.

Life is a gift. You have to appreciate it and live it to its fullest potential. This is a fact that I hope many of you take to heart. I hope you enjoy the stories, and fell free to share your thoughts.

"Nothing in life is to be feared; it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less."
—Marie Curie



Everyone was gathered on the football field at Utica High School. This was an exciting day. Thirty three new seniors were graduating, and although it was smooth sailing for some, others reached a milestone. As the crowd dispersed after the ceremony, Brendan Michelson looked around.

He watched as his classmates headed in different directions. Many would be in the neighborhood for the graduation party, but he and a few more people were not going to that party. Some people just didn't fit, and no longer cared to try.

He heard a baby cry, and looked over at one of his good friends, Rayna, as she comforted her now three month old, as her two year old held on to her skirt. Brendan knew he was blessed, because not all kids had it as easy as he did.

"Son, you ready?" His father called. Brendan nodded, and they headed home.


The party across the street was in full swing. Music blaring, people standing outside talking, and cars were parked everywhere. Even his parents gave the party-goers permission to park in their yard. Lydia came by earlier and invited him once again, but he declined. She didn't like him, and the feeling was kind of mutual. She seemed disappointed, but accepted his final refusal. He watched, and when he saw her sitting alone, he walked over. His heart raced, but she would never know how she truly affected him. Clearing his throat, he got her attention. "Why is it so important to you that everyone likes you?" Brendan Michelson asked his neighbor since childhood, Lydia.

Lydia stepped back and blinked. Her smile she always tried to show faded as she faced the one person she disliked with every fiber of her being. Since they were toddlers she never got along with Brendan, Even as kids, when their families threw them together had joint birthday parties, even babysat the two together, yet her dislike of Brendan never wavered.

Lydia sighed. She didn't have to be fake with him. "Why are you even talking to me? Don't you have anything better to do? What I do is my business, and not your concern, Brendan. Stay out of it."

Brendan sighed; this was the Lydia he knew. This was the one she hid from others, but he saw the real her. As much as she pretended, she was not all sweetness and sunshine. Deep down, she was just as dark and twisted as he was. She just hid her feelings and thoughts better.

"I really don't care. However, Mom suggested I come out and speak and since I really don't want her pestering me, I need to fake like I'm interested. You can keep lying to yourself and everyone else. I know the real you. "He smiled, "See you later Lydia." He called as she walked away towards her friends.

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