Brendan and Lydia Part 9

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Welcome back. This is the final part of the story. I hope you enjoy.

Brendan and Lydia

Brendan Michelson smiled as he watched his friends dance slowly. Today was full of surprises, and then he saw her. She was walking toward them.

"What happened to your entourage?" Brendan asked.

Lydia chose to ignore his question. He was watching her, and for some reason that made her feel some type of way. She speared him with her dark eyes, as they challenged him.

"Why were you staring at me?" Lydia demanded not taking her eyes off of him.

Brendan stepped back. It was his turn to squirm. That was not unusual, because Lydia always made him squirm. She was gorgeous. Her black hair flowing freely, her eyes alight with fury. It was clear that his presence tonight upset her greatly. That thought made Brendan smile even more. When he smiled, Lydia was even more annoyed, and she was breathing so hard he thought steam would come out of her ears.

"I'm sorry, what makes you think I was watching you?" Brendan asked, refusing to admit anything to his childhood nemesis.

Her eyes narrowed. Did he think she was daft? "Really, you want to play it like that. You've been watching me ever since you entered this club." Lydia countered.

Brendan chuckled. "Come on, sit." He ordered. Lydia glared at him, but joined him momentarily. Brendan sighed as he looked at this wonderful girl before him. After tonight, she'd never want to talk to him again. He'd make sure of that.

Lydia sat across from him. He vexed her. When they were alone, he was pleasant. But as soon as others came around, he became indifferent. It was as if he didn't want others associating her with him. Yet girls like Rayna, he had no problem being around her.

"What's the deal with you and Rayna?" Lydia asked.

Brendan froze, and her anxiety increased. If he admitted to being involved with the other female, she was done even trying to befriend him.

"Rayna is a friend. You see unlike some, I believe in getting to know people, not making harsh judgments" Lydia flushed. Her cheeks reddened, as she looked away.

"I was just...." Lydia stammered. "You lie. You don't judge people. You've judged me my whole life. All I've tried to do is befriend you, yet you treat me as if I'm diseased most of the time. " Lydia looked away. She had to get her emotions under control. He could not know how much his actions hurt her.

Brendan waited. He wanted to speak. He wanted to tell her that he didn't mean it. He wanted to reassure her that all he wanted was time with her. Then he looked up, and realized where they were. They were at a party. He didn't fit and neither did his friends. This was Lydia's world. It was a world he wanted no part of, so he remained quiet.

Brendan smiled, "After next week, you won't see me again. That should make you happy." Lydia looked at him, and for a brief second, a strange emotion was in her eyes.

"I wish..." she whispered, but before she finished, Rayna returned and she was upset.

Sitting next to Brendan, Rayna was silent. "Are you alright?" Lydia asked.

Rayna looked at her. This girl was everything everyone else wanted to be. She knew what Lydia and her friends thought of her. She smiled, "I'm fine, but are you sure you want to be seen with someone like me around. You do have an image to protect, right, Lydia?" she questioned.

Lydia stood quickly, and turned to leave, but not before Brendan grabbed her hand. "We'll talk later, ok." He whispered.

Lydia stilled. There was nothing left to talk about. "Bye Brendan. I'll see you around." She looked at Rayna once more and left to join her friends.

"Hey, are you alright?" Danita asked. Lydia was different. She knew Brendan must have said something to her.

Lydia sighed, "I'm fine. I need a drink though. Come on, it's our night." And the two joined the festivities for the rest of the night.

Meanwhile, Brendan turned his sights on Rayna. Rayna was hard to explain. She was his friend and he knew she was in a tough position. Yet, she had no right to attack Lydia. As much as Lydia annoyed him, she was genuinely a good person and did not deserve the way Rayna treated her.

"Hmmm, I can't stand that stuck up witch..." Rayna froze. Brendan looked pissed. "Sorry I didn't know you were interested in her. I thought you were cool. Guess the truth had to come out sometimes." Rayna muttered.

Brendan spoke, "You did this to yourself you know. You had two kids in high school with two different guys. Neither of those guys was any good, and you know it. Yet, Frank really liked you, and you dogged him out. So, Rayna, you want to be a victim, go on. Just know this; it won't be on my watch anymore." She gasped. Brendan continued, "Oh, and that girl right there is the only one that never talked about you behind your back. Others did, but not Lydia. When you had your little girl and the class gave you gifts, Lydia arranged that. So before you talk noise, know who you're talking about."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it." Rayna muttered.

"Save it. I'm out." Brendan declared, as he bid bye to his friends.

Lydia saw when he left. He looked annoyed, but Brendan Michelson was not her concern. She was here to have fun with her friends, and fun she would have.

Early the next morning, Brendan sat on his back porch. He needed to see her. Last night ended with so many unresolved questions and he needed to make sure she was fine. He waved as her dad left for his morning gathering with his friends at the local diner. He knew his dad would go with him. Then she came outside.

Not wasting a moment, Brendan walked over.

"Hey, look, I was out of line last night. Are you ok?" He asked.

Lydia sighed, then she faced him.

He was so darn cute, too bad his personality didn't match his looks.

"I'm good, Brendan. Let's just agree to not be friends, ok." Lydia sighed. Have a nice life Brendan. Then she walked away. Brendan froze. This felt so final. This was what he wanted, right?

The summer slowly went by. Brendan left for college and Lydia relocated to another state.     

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