Spencer and Chianne Part 7

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Chianne parked at the garage. Her uncle, Joe, let her and her brothers stay there in exchange for helping in the shop. Her mother was appalled at first, but soon having her illegitimate daughter out of her house was a Godsend. Her brothers, Tao and Miko, were her champions. Their mother's treatment of their sister was unfair and both brothers defended her. As a result, all three of them were disowned. Her brothers were not fazed. They already had made arrangements. Uncle Joe, welcomed them and for the past three years, they had a home.

"Girly, congratulations" Uncle Joe greeted. "Here I got you something." He added passing her an envelope.

"Uncle Joe, you didn't have to give me anything. I owe you everything, 'Chianne whispered.

"Naw, just take it. ' Joe insisted.

"So, how was the party?" Joe asked. He was so happy that Chianne went out. She was his niece and he was ashamed of his brother for how he treated the girl. However, she had strong men in her family. Her two brothers were her champions. The two boys stuck by their sister, even against their family. Joe didn't have much, but he shared what he had. For the past three years, he taught them. Now, those two boys were as good as he was at fixing things.

However, Chianne deserved more. She was going to school. He would find a way. "Uncle Joe, you were in the reserves, right?" Chianne whispered.

Joe nodded, "Yea, twenty years, you thinking about enlisting?"

Chianne sighed, "I don't know. They give you money for college, and I was thinking about trying to go one day."

Joe sat, "Yea, they do, but it's not easy. Think about it, ok. The reserves can be tough."

Chianne smiled and hugged her uncle before heading to the small apartment she shared with her brothers.

"Ah, you're home. Did anyone try anything?" Miko asked,

"No, it was fine. Uncle Joe gave me a card." She added hoping they'd drop the subject.

"Was Spencer there?" Tao asked. "We know you're sweet on him." He teased.

Chianne blushed, much to their delight.

The next morning, Chianne went to work as usual. Spencer stopped by and her brothers had to greet him. Spencer took their jibes, and waited. Soon, she took a break and they grabbed a quick lunch.

"So, are you excited about going to college?" Chianne asked.

"Yes, I am. You should apply. You know they have vocational programs and with a degree, you would be able to work anywhere." Spencer added.

"Not everyone is college material, Spence. Besides, if I went off to college, who'd keep my brothers in line?" She asked.

Spencer frowned. His frown became annoyance when some fellow graduates entered. Chianne froze. She hated those girls. For the past eight years, they made her life miserable. Chianne went mute as they approached. "Hey Spence, Charles." They teased.

Chianne tensed. Her reaction was not lost on Spencer. Spencer smiled as the two women approached.

"Good morning, ladies. I'm surprised you two are up walking after you tied one on last night." Spencer added.

The girls laughed and joined them. Chianne remained quiet. "Well, you know how it is."

Chianne, girl we saw you last night. You can r3eally move. The guys were jealous," One of them teased.

Chianne blushed, then looked away. Spencer spoke up.:"

"Yea, well, she is my girl after all. Who else would she want to dance with. We'll see you guys later." He added taking Chianne's hand. "Come on, love, let's go." They walked away, leaving the girls speechless.

"I wish you hadn't done that. When you leave..." Chianne spoke softly.

Spencer frowned, "High school is over. They have no hold over you. Besides, I told the truth back there. You're my girl, so who else would you dance with."

Chianne gasped as he leaned down and kissed her gently. Then they spentthe rest if the day simply enjoying each other.


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