Frank and Rayna Part 4

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However, in Virginia, Frank was settling in. This place was a bit different from home. At home, he had his own room. It was quiet, and there were no females to contend with. His Uncle's home was busy. Living in the hills on a wide western spread, Frank had to adjust to sharing his space. His first night there, he was schooled on what to wear to the job. A quick shopping spree and he was decked out in thick work pants, hard shoes, and boots when needed.

Fran was a quick learner. In addition to learning from his uncle. He took online business classes at night. Because he was so diligent, he'd have his degree in three years instead of four. That was all well and good. The sooner he could get his life together, the sooner he could bring his father home.

In addition to helping his uncle at the construction site, Frank also worked weekends at a local piazza shop. He cooked the pizzas. He was paid pretty well, and since his uncle refused to let him pay rent, he saved his money. Frank worked and saved for over a year.

One night, business was slow and his aunt and uncle talked privately. He learned from his cousins that they might lose the business. Monday morning, Frank and his cousins went to the bank. Taking every penny he saved, Frank paid his uncle's debt. He still had a balance, but his account was no longer delinquent. His cousins found part time jobs and the three young men worked to keep the company afloat.

Ross was impressed. It seemed that his small company would be in good hands. With his knowledge of business and many connections he'd made over his few years with his family, Frank was able to network and the business began to grow. Rank called his father often. He'd been in Virginia for four years at this point, but this time he needed to go see his dad. He and his uncle drove back to Utica. Harry was happy to see his son and brother. He suggested that Frank go see Spencer and his other friends. He was sure they'd be glad he was back. Frank did. He called Spencer and the two met up. As they talked, Frank learned that Spencer and Chianne were not dating. She had actually moved to Colorado. They were still friends though, and kept in touch daily through social media.

Spencer also told him about Rayna. Apparently after he moved, there was a big commotion. Demonte was arrested and for a while it seemed to be OK. A few months later, Demonte ended up shot and RexAnne was facing time in prison for attempted manslaughter. However, she had her paperwork in order. Not to mention, several officers and community members supporting her. Demonte ordered Rayna to give him their daughter. When Rayna refused, he attacked her. RexAnne came home and tried to pull him off of her daughter when he came after her. RexAnne shot him in defense of herself and her daughter. He didn't die. However, he would forever walk with a limp.

Frank had so many questions. Was Rayna still here? Was she and her mother alright? Where was she now?

Spencer continued, Rayna started taking teaching classes at UCC, and transferred to University. She would soon be certified to teach. She no longer lived in Utica, but she drove over all of the time.

Frank was fascinated. He really wanted to see his old friend. The two talked some more. There was one guy missing, Brendan. However, Brendan was trekking across Europe and wouldn't be back for another year. The two agreed that they had to get together when Brendan came home.

Frank was only visiting for a week, but he knew before he returned to Virginia, he needed to see Rayna.

It didn't take long. One or two phone calls and he knew where to find her. Not wanting to alert her, Frank drove over to the University and waited outside of her class. As the students dispersed, he froze as Rayna walked out. She was simply beautiful. Four years ago, he thought she was beautiful, but now gone was the girlish looks of an eighteen year ole. Her hair was stylishly cut, and the outfit she wore flattered her voluptuous frame. She wasn't fat, but thick.

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