{Part 16-Tension}

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{I know the video has nothing to do with it but I honestly love that video! Me and my friend would role play and I would control all the demons well because..I'm Me and She plays all the humans aka Felix Jack Mark Ethan herself, and stuff and She makes Sean hate Anti a lot and Anti gets upset cause he just wants Sean's attention..SHE MADE SEAN LITERALLY A DICK😂 ok anyways, I just thought it was adorable (the video) }


I woke up on the couch with a smell of bacon. I sat up to find Dark and Mark..cooking together. Ok...is this like another dream. I got up and they both looked at me "Morning!" They both said in sync smiling. Very confused. They confined to make food. I walked over to them and stared at them confused. Dark set some plates at the table and walked over to me and kissed my forehead. I stood in shock. I looked at Mark confused. He shrugged. Whaaaat.

Dark POV

This morning before Y/n woke up. Mark and I talked, we made some ground rules for each other so we don't get in fights and especially hurt Y/n. We decided to make Y/n some breakfast.

Jack POV

I sat on my couch scrolling through tv as Anti walked out. "Morning!" He smiled. I looked at him. "What do you want.." I growled. "Just saying morning..." he looked over and walked to the kitchen. I kinda felt bad. He made himself a bowl of cereal and sat next to me and ate.

Anti POV

I walked out and saw Jack. "Morning!" I smiled. "What do you want.." he growled. "Just saying morning.." I mumbled and walked to the kitchen. Why is he so mean.......I made some cereal and walked back and sat next to him and ate. He scooted farther away from me. My eyes tears up a bit if that's possible. I sat in silence and got up and put my bowl in the sink and headed off to the guest room.

Jacks POV

As he ran to the guest room I rolled my eyes and continues to watch tv.


I ate breakfast and sat on the couch as I watched tv. Is it weird to say that Mark and Dark are getting along. Dark and Mark sat on both sides of me and watched tv with me. It felt kinda awkward. Mark kinda scooted closer to me. Then so did Dark. I could feel the tension rising up.

Dark POV

I saw Mark scoot closer to her. I did too. I hope she knows I love her. I put my hand on her leg.


Dark out his hand on my leg. I flinched at the feeling. Dark removed his hand after I flinched. I stared at the Tv. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Mark and Dark glaring at each other. Remember when I said they were getting along....im not so sure anymore.

{sorry it's short}

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