Chapter 1: Didn't Mean To See

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(Listen to Oh, Ms Believer by TØP if you want. It's where I got the name from I guess, the song also sparked the plot idea somehow (I don't own the song))

Pidge didn't mean to stumble across this. Well she kind of did, but she didn't want this!

She'd been doing face scans to find her brother, Matt, when she came across the video.

She sat there and watched as her brother fought for his life in the arena, to entertain the sick bastard Zarkon.

She watched as he was thrown to the ground, crunching bones and cheers coming from the screen.

She watched as her father ran across the arenas dusty ground to save Matt, yelling out to his son.

She watched the entire thing, unable to take her eyes off of the screen as a gun fired and hit her father in the head and blew out the back of his skull along with blood, bone and brain matter.

Pidge watched as the blood surrounded where her father lay unmoving.

She cried as she heard Matt's screams of pure devastation, silent tears ran down her face as the video ended when Matt's life did.

The video stopped on the knife embedded in Matt's back, and Pidge sat there.

She didn't know how to breath anymore, small jagged breaths escaped her lips as she tried to get her head around what'd happened. Her mind refused, clouding up with grief and made her thoughts sluggish which was probably for the better.

Mixtures of sadness and rage controlled her mind, sadness for the deaths she'd witnessed and rage towards Zarkon, the cause of her suffering.

Her body seemed to go into auto pilot, her mind huddling itself into a corner and shutting down completely, much like a broken robot.

"I've got everything here, we're clear to go." She spoke through the comms in a monotone voice, trying to erase any evidence that something was wrong. Taking out the USB she'd had connected to one of the galra computers to her left in order to collect any information useful to taking down the galra, and shutting down the device she'd used to find the footage of her family.

Shiro said something but Pidge wasn't listening, instead she focused on getting back to her lion.

It wasn't too hard, she'd shut down all the drones and sentries earlier and the rest of the team had taken out all the galra soldiers that remained. She passed Keith in the purple lit halls and nodded at him, keeping her face down to stop him from noticing the seemingly endless tears falling down her cheeks.


Yeah I know it's a shitty and short chapter but this is supposed to be just a semi short fiction, around five chapters maybe? I don't know but the other chapters will be better, I just didn't know what else to do.


Little Believer {Pidge Gunderson VLD fan fiction}Where stories live. Discover now