Chapter 7: Your Lovers Tears

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I don't ship shidge, so yeah. This book won't be having any of that, just in case you were wondering. I don't ship Pidge with anyone

Pidge barely ate any of the food, not even managing to push down four spoonfuls before pushing the bowl away. Her reasons for doing so was pretty stupid, but every bite of food seemed to remind her of how skinny her dad and Matt had looked. She couldn't get through a bite of food without wondering whether they were fed enough of not.

It was pathetic, but she just couldn't stop.

So instead, like most things, she pushed it away and left the dining room as soon as she could.

Pidge regretted everything. She regretted not leaving Voltron to find her family, she regretted not giving Matt or her dad a longer hug. She even regretted joining Voltron in the first place.

"Pidge?" Shiro asked from the doorway of her room, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Are you alright?"

"Hmm?" She hummed, quickly wiping the tears from her cheeks and sat up straighter on the side of her bed.

"How are you holding up?" He asked and sat next to her.

For a split second she freaked out and thought Hunk had told him something, but Hunk wouldn't do that. He wouldn't say anything without her permission.

"I'm f-fine." She responded, cursing herself for stuttering.

Shiro was quiet for a minute. "I think I know what happened, but... for fuck sake I hope I'm way off."

Pidge stared at her leader in shock, his face was emotionless like always but his voice was wobbling, and most of all, Shiro never swore, ever.

There was even more silence, Pidge not daring to speak and Shiro contemplating what to say next.

"You found something on the galra ship, didn't you?"

She nodded, clenching her teeth together and fighting back tears.

"You found Matt and Sam." He whispered, his voice almost sounding hopeful.

"Shiro, please leave." Pidge barely managed to keep her voice level.


"Get. Out." She hissed through clenched teeth, her mind was spinning and she just wanted to be alone.



"Katie, I just want to know if they're-"

"THEY'RE DEAD, SHIRO!" She yelled, tears falling from her eyes and quickly making their way to the floor. "GET OUT OF MY FUCKING ROOM OR I SWEAR TO-"

Her anger instantly subsided the second Shiro quickly wrapped his arms around her torso and hugged onto her tightly.

For a second her mind stopped working, she had no idea what had just happened but the second he let out a shaky breath she remembered.

Shiro had been friends with them.

Pidge felt awful, how could she forget something so important?!

"I'm sorry." Pidge whispered, hugging onto him. "I-I'm so sorry."

They sat there for a few minutes before Shiro pulled away.

"We were supposed to tell you when we got back." Shiro said shakily, wiping unspilled tears from his eyes. "Matt and I- we- we were..."

He trailed off, more tears welling in his eyes and finally sliding down his cheeks. Pidge however stared in confusion, having no idea what he was trying to say.

Shiro finally cleared his throat, not meeting her eyes as he spoke. "W-we were engaged."

On any other occasion, Pidge would have been happy. She'd made a bet with her dad about their relationship, if he'd been around still she would have won fifty dollars.

That thought caused a sob to leaves her mouth. Other thoughts plagued her mind as she thought on. Matt would never be able to get married to the man he had loved. He wasn't ever able to officially come out to their family.

Pidge turned to Shiro, looked at him up and down before letting out a sad, pathetic excuse for a chuckle. "I-I always t-tho-thought something was going o-on between you t-two."

This caused a watery smile to make its way into Shiro's lips, he pulled her in for a long hug. Both mourners clung to each other, sobbing loudly and trying their best to comfort the other, letting tears fall shamelessly.

Although from the outside, it'd look like their situation was getting worse. However, it somehow gave the two a bit of closure, and would eventually aid them to a road of recovery.


One more chapter to go!! I would say it'll be up soon but I've written all of this while without wifi so the book will be completed within a minute. Ah well.


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