Chapter 3: After Hours

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(Art isn't mine but I do wish I could draw as amazing as that)

By the time Keith had gotten everyone else and had Coran open the locked door to Pidge's room, the girl was fast asleep. She laid on the flood on her side, surrounded by things she'd throw. Dried tear tracks obvious on her cheeks.

"What happened?" Shiro turned to Keith, hoping that the red paladin had an answer.

"Yeah, it looks like a bomb went off." Lance said, picking up a broken something that Pidge had once been tinkering with.

"I don't know, I found her training and she said she didn't get any sleep." Keith shrugged, his gaze on the small dent in the wall that was equal to the size of Pidge's fist. "When I asked her what happened she snapped and locked me out."

"That's Pidge for you." Hunk sighed and kicked a bit of scrap metal. "If something's wrong, she won't let anyone else in. She did the same in the Garrisons."

"Oh yeah, I remember that." Lance recalled, frowning at the memory.

"Remember what?" Allura pipped up, moving away from some sheets of paper she'd previously been looking at. Despite being a serious issue, the princess couldn't help but think of how childish it was.

"Well back on Earth, Pidge found out that some stuff happened with her mum." Hunk shifted nervously, his heart eating at him for spilling his friends private life. Even if it was necessary. "A week into school she found out that there was a car accident and that her mum had been killed in it."

"Yeah, she shut everyone out. She studied until she passed out and stopped talking to anyone, but whenever we tried to ask her what happened she snapped." Lance shrugged, everyone's eyes falling onto the green paladin.

"But why would she shut everyone out?" Shiro questioned.

"I don't know, man." Hunk sighed, rubbing his face. "But she'll tell us when she's ready."

Coran, who'd been unusually quiet, looked up from frowning at the scratches on the wall. "You mean we pretend this never happened and wait until she talks about whatever this is. Doesn't sound like a good idea to me."

"It's better than questioning her and making her freak out." Lance shrugged, grabbing the blanket off Pidge's bed and placing it on her. "We'll question her when she wakes up and calms down a bit more."

"Well let's do that, but right now I think we need breakfast." Hunk stretched and left the room.

With one final sad look at Pidge, everyone left.

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