Chapter One:

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The flight to Brazil was long. Clayton hated long flights sitting coach, he was too tall for the seats, awkwardly standing up in the aircraft to gather his belongings.

The airport was busy as Clayton passed security, the amount of people flowing past him was amazing.

One or two people stared at him due to his sheer height, something he had grown accustom to.

He ignored the glares, adjusting his sunglasses as he kept on walking.

The heat hit him as he walked out of the large, glass airport doors.

It was a wet heat, Clayton could feel it deep down in his lungs. He thanked god that he had quit smoking, this would have killed him if he hadn't.

He scanned the crowd and saw Samuel, smiling with that cocky grin and a sign reading: senhor idiota

Clayton couldn't stop grinning as he greet Samuel with a hug.

"You took long enough," Samuel said as he grabbed Clayton's bag from his hand.

"Yes a twenty-five hour flight with two stops is actually a short flight," Clayton said with a yawn, he was eager to have a shower and call Alice, he knew she would be wondering where he was in the world.

"Ruth and Danny will be here by Thursday I believe. They are enjoying the honeymoon period too much. So gross" Samuel cut in with a smile as they climbed into the Jeep.

Clayton hated Jeeps. Too small for his legs, he missed his red truck, now in Alice's care.

He was tired as he rested his head against the headrest, "and you're not in the honeymoon stage with Catherine, no, Chloe? You have been spending a lot of time with her. What's the deal?"

Samuel stared at Clayton for a second before turning his attention on the road, pulling away from the curb, "It's Celia. She's a good girl, a little annoying. But I don't know, I'm not willing to give up the whores just yet for that little firecracker. Just don't tell Alice, since they are best friends and all. I'm pretty sure she will hurt me."

He wasn't wrong. Alice was scary when angry, in a cute way, his thoughts happily admitted.

There was a short pause before Samuel continued, "I can't believe y'all are engaged. I'm being push aside by a chick....only a few years your junior. Girls hearts' will be breaking all over the world now Clayton. We need to plan a bachelor party for you. As your unofficial best man, I'm thinking strippers, cocaine. Tijuana?"

"How about Vegas? or Nashville? Miami is fun too, but without the hookers and drugs," Clayton quickly added, he was nervous.

"Maybe keep it in the United States, Sammy. Not international," Clayton enforced, as Sam arching his eyebrow.

He knew Alice was being taken to Cancún, Mexico by Celia and the rest of the bridal party....he was sworn to secrecy

They laughed together, only a slight hint of awkward shuffle from Clayton as he repositioned himself within the car. He knew Samuel's game, love and leave. Clayton on the other hand, was trying the one girl thing, faithfulness, but it was going to be hard.

A bachelor party could be fun. One final hurrah. No strippers. Clayton had to be a good boy, no matter what.

Shaking dangerous thoughts out of his head, Clayton turned on his phone, a silver iPhone and very beat up with a cracked screen.

He was pretty sure that he could crush it with one hand.

The thing buzzed. It was Alice, he smiled as he read it.

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