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I moved over to the designated warehouse and entered, as I did so, five White Fang members stepped up and aimed their guns at me in a semicircle. In the blink of an eye, I tore the two on the right in half with Soul Reaper and impaled the third, the fourth had a throwing knife embedded in his eye and the last one was punched in the throat, and I watched as he slowly choked to death. I turned to some slow clapping and there she was. Cinder. Fucking. Fall. Beside her was a boy in steel-coloured half armour and a girl with mint green hair. I glared at Cinder through my helmet, though to her, my faceplate was impassive.
"Welcome, Deaths Advocate. Allow me to introduce to you Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black. They shall be your contact with me, you already know your orders, I simply wanted to introduce you three, well, goodbye, you three have fun now." And with that she strode away in her black leather heels and red gold-embroidered dress.
Mercury and Emerald now stared at me in wonderment, Emerald was afraid, whilst Mercury was impressed.
"You're the Deaths Advocate, huh? I never thought I'd actually meet you. So-" I began to walk away, "hey! Wait! Where are you going!?" He called after me.
"I have no time for you children right now, go get yourself some milk from mummy over there."
I continued to stride away, leaving them in the dust.
-That wasn't very nice
-I'm not very nice. Besides, I have two of my own thank you very much.
-Very well
Treacherous Bitch.
She took me in, then sided with the White Fang, and did so willingly. She and Salem knowingly betrayed me, and for that they would pay.
On the way back, I watched a man with stark orange hair In a white suit attempt to rob a dust shop. I watched as a young huntress in a red hood and a black combat skirt then proceeded to beat up his men and witnessed his attempt to escape. I then saw her face, and it was one I'd never forget, the only happy memory I had, to have found one of my kind. Ruby...beacon? Now it was imperative I get in, anybody else would kill her without a second thought. I watched the drama unfold and analysed the battle, and there she was, Cinder. She was in the transport , but they got away. Then Ruby was taken to a building by Glynda Goodwitch, head of discipline at beacon. I made myself blend into the walls of the building, merging with the concrete and plaster, before watching the entire confrontation between Professor Ozpin and Ruby. Once it was over, I cocked my head to the side. So it was truly that easy to get in? I simply needed to draw attention to myself, and an idea was already forming in my mind.
-Ms Fall, would you be so kind as to inform me of the next large White Fang Operation?
-Tell them to expect trouble
-In order to get into Beacon, I shall be giving them trouble.

That night I armoured up and informed my team Of my intentions. Kristophe  attempted to follow me and continued to until I specifically ordered him not to come with me and fight.
I climbed up a building and then jumped across rooftops until the docks came into view. The city of Vale was quite opulent, and this was their greatest source of income of almost anything. But tonight it was all about dust.
I leaped down and slipped through the cargo containers until I reached my prize. There, in a large opening were thirty or so White Fang, they were loading up dust crystals into a waiting transport and it was simply too good an opportunity. I threw one of my knives at one of the planes engines, the ensuing explosion was glorious. The engine exploded which caused a chain reaction with the nearby dust in the cargo hold. The ten White Fang members closest to the explosion were vaporised, whilst the others ran over to what little was left of the transport.  The mushroom cloud was huge, and indeed, it did its intended effect, it broadcasted trouble, trouble that maybe a teacher would see. I stepped out and walked over to the White Fang, who consequently raised their guns in warning. I continued to walk forward, and they opened fire. They were using energy weapons. Big mistake. I continued to walk through the fusillade, my sizeable aura absorbing the fire and granting me power as I absorbed the energy into my aura. They were beginning to falter, before switching to their swords as they realised their guns were ineffective.
I ducked one blade and caught another, throwing the man to the ground with his own momentum, five more rushed me, as I felt the first return behind me. As the first stabbed forward, I slipped past him and he stumbled forward onto another's sword. The remaining four charged me as the fifth began to panic, the first was thrown into the second, whilst the third and fourth were hurled away from a focused blast of aura. That left me with thirteen, they all simultaneously charged me as I intoned, loud and clear.
"Fear me! For I am Deaths Advocate! The Daemons I possess shall devour your souls! And you shall know eternal torment!"
I then unleashed my semblance.
The world warped as the containers morphed into monsters, the shadows spat forth screaming, hellish beings whilst the concrete grew and entangled their legs, I didn't use my full semblance, I never really did, for the half-formed monsters were all the edge I've ever really needed. Through all the carnage, I walked forward, and slowly, but methodically began to neutralise the White Fang one by one. Once half of them were out of commission, I dropped my semblance. As I did so, a green haired man in a messy shirt and trousers swept in at an intense speed. Knocking three of them down in one hit with... a torch? He then whipped around and delivered three more blows, felling all but one, which I finished with a swipe of my scythe-pole.
"Well done! Well done!" Congratulated the green-haired man. "I am Bartholomew Oobleck, and I have somebody who wishes to speak with you."
At this, I heard footsteps and the tapping of a cane. I turned to see the headmaster himself appear from the shadows. This was Ozpin. I nodded my head in greeting. This was a man I respected completely and utterly. He was smart, and aware of the  world and its history. As he moved closer, I sheathed my weapon.
"That was an excellent show of tactics and force, mr...?"
"Maul, Brutus Maul."
"Mr Maul, may I see your face?"
I removed my helmet, displaying my scars and tanned face, my eyes shone in the darkness as he leaned forward.
"You have silver eyes."
"I do, sir."
"Nine years ago, the Maul estate burned down, one of the first strikes ever made by the White Fang  in an aggressive manner. The youngest of the family was missing and presumed dead. He had silver eyes. Now before me is a person who matches the age requirement, has exactly the same name and even has silver eyes. Tell me, do you believe in fate?"
"Sir, I believe life is like a book, it has set events detailed within it that must come to pass, a story that must be unravelled, a beginning and an end that is set and will happen. I believe that those set events are fate, and will happen, but I also believe that events can be changed, like water ruining the ink. Fate is set, but how and when it happens is completely and utterly random. To conclude, sir, I do."
"An excellent answer. Tell me, do you know who I am?"
"Professor Ozpin, head of Beacon academy and close friend with General James Ironwood, headmaster of Atlas military academy."
"Indeed, tell me, have you ever considered attending Beacon?"
Truthfully sir, with nowhere to go, I was going to fake my identity to try to get in, so I may have a future as a huntsman and an aid to the people."
This wasn't untrue, before I witnessed Ruby's induction, I was indeed going to do so. The best lies were always built on truth.
"I could, if you would like, get you in legally, without you having to go to such lengths."
"You would do that for me?" I narrowed my eyes, "why?"
"Do not be alarmed, I simply wish to ensure such talent does not go to waste on the street, especially since your families money saved, plus the money raised for you after the fire and the assets which they owned-which haven't stopped making money for the past nine years by the way, all of this could have you live like a king. As a student of Beacon we would be duty-bound to help you-including reclaiming your assets. This is all provided you accept, of course. And you needn't worry about fees, your family actually paid for your place while they still lived. Well, mister Maul? What is your decision?"
I took a step back, allowing the shock to register on my usually impassive face. All my life I had been used, up until five years ago. Nobody had shown me any kindness in those five years, nobody had let me in, sheltered me, helped me, not out of the kindness of their hearts. Nobody. There was always a catch, because nobody cared. He had nothing to gain for me, this was for me. I regained my composure.
"Why would you do this for me?" I repeated.
My eyes were narrowed in deep and open suspicion, and my hands clenched.
"Because I know you have had a troubled and terrible past, and wish only for you to excel and have an excellent future."
That was the clincher.
I felt lightheaded and happy, suddenly Kristophe was by my side. I gently motioned to him to leave, and I overcame the weakness.
"I accept."

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