Chapter 4 (Picture of Rorey)

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Chelsea's POV

I was making some chocolate chip pancakes and Allyson walked in with a cup of water. "Morning Chels". Allyson said as I smiled and I saw Tyrone walking in. "M-morning". I didn't even know what to say. Tyrone is here and I have no clue what's going on here. Then my phone rang as the ringtone was Never Growing Up by Avril Lavigne and it was unknown.


"Who the hell is this?"

"Chelsea, it's your mother"

"Mummy? Your dead... You can't be alive?"

"Sweetie, I'll explain everything... If you come meet me at the mall"

"I'm with my friends and we have school now, so bye"

I lied about having school. This could be someone prank calling me, right? "Who was that?" I looked at Emily who flipped the pancake over. "Yeah". I just wanna put all that side and be happy. "Is there ice cream?" I asked as Allyson nodded and I got out the ice cream as I started serving everyone. "Tyrone, you want to stay for breakfast?" I looked at Allyson and Tyrone. "That's cool, but I gotta go... I'll see you guys later". Tyrone said as the girls and I walked to the dinning room. "Girls, are we ready for the beach today?" I thought we gonna see Why Don't We today? "I said the wrong day when we see Why Don't We and instead we are going to the beach". I rolled my eyes at Allyson and we all laughed. "Ally, you are something". Emily said as we laughed again. "Do we have to go to the beach?" Rosie asked as I took a spoon of my ice cream. "Rosie, is there a backstory for this reason?" Allyson asked as Rosie nodded and I placed my hand on hers. "You can tell us, now or later... Plus we don't have to go, if it brings to much memories". I said as Emily and Allyson nodded. "Okay... My mother was murdered at the beach and my father was stabbed when he was locking up the church as he died on his way to the hospital. I had a child delivered on the beach and she died after a few weeks". I covered my mouth. "I'm so sorry to hear that". I said as Rosie smiled. "Does Justice knows about this?" Emily asked as she nodded. "Yes he does. Justice and I would go the beach and lit up lanterns". I smiled at that. "Justice sounds amazing Rosie... He's definitely a keeper". Allyson said as Rosie smiles and we take our plates to the kitchen. "I'm okay, but we can go and I'll be fine as along we don't talk about my family". We nodded as we went to get ready.

Paul's POV

I was judging this beautiful stripper. She was better looking than Chelsea anyway. She crawled to me as she wrapped her legs around my waist as her hands roomed inside my shirt and I leaned closer to her neck as I started kissing and then sucking on her neck. "Paul Ken!?" I saw the girl walked away as I turned to see Annie and I walked to her as I pulled her to the room and I pulled the door shut. "I can't believe your cheating on me?" I slapped her across her face. "Bitch". I then grabbed her by the hair. "What did you say woman?" I pulled her hair down which pulled her body down. "I called you a bitch". She snapped as I pushed her to the door. "Watch what you say to me and watch that tone of yours!" I had snapped now and I throw a glass cup across the bathroom door. "What do you want? I've been busy all day?" Not, I've been fucking hoes all day. "I want the truth". I narrowed my eyes down at her. "What truth? What are you talking about?" She got up and she fold her hands. "You have being fucking with my sister and my best friend?" She stood there still waiting for my answer. "Baby, I haven't been fucking with them. You have my word". She hugged me as I pulled out my knife and I cut her. "Ouch!" She screamed as she walked to the bed head. "Paul what are you doing?" Doing my job. "Well, if you really want to know.... Well, I'm keeping you hostage until your father sends me my money he stole for your ugly ass". I snapped as she moved closer and she takes the knife as she then cuts my shirt in half. "I like-love a bad boy wit tattoos". I pulled her legs down as I cut small cuts up her leg and thighs. Soon she will bleed to death and then Rorey walked in with the dad and with Jackson. "We got the dad". Rorey pulled off the tape from his mouth. "Where is my money?" Then Jackson got two bags from outside. "Please don't hurt my daughter". I moved away to see that she bleed out and he cried. "No, what happened?" I take my gun from the tall boy as I pointed at him. "She thought I was fucking her sister and best friend. So she cut herself and I saw her like that". I saw Rorey pulled the blanket over her. "You dog!" I then shot the gun and the guys walked out as I got my lighter and I lit the place. I didn't own this place yet, but this is payback for the own who also stole my money.


I had list of people Ryan and Justin needed to hide the dead bodies. "I can't believe he killed them Rorey". I stopped at the edge of my stairs to hear Rorey and Jackson talking. "He had his reasons". Rorey said as I heard Henry stood next to me. "If that what he does, I'm out". I looked at Henry as we walked down to see Jackson leaving. "So, you can stay here with me or leave and never come back". He just walked out the door as I looked at Rorey. "We don't need him anyway Paul". Henry said as I laughed.

It's been a while so I thought I should update a few chapters.

-My Pretty Kittens

Prologue (MBBBAMEBBB)- Wrong One ChelseaWhere stories live. Discover now