Chapter 7 (Picture of Tyrone)

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Chelsea's POV

I was writing some questions for Rorey for maths and then I'm out of here. This is so awkward cuz I'm starting to have feelings Rorey. I got a boyfriend who I hardly see him now days. I'm still mad at Paul cuz he chooses his little secret business over me. They all say he does drugs, he starts fights late at night, races and other things which is a long list. I'm surprised the police hasn't arrested him again. "How do u explain this cuz-" Rorey was interrupted by Paul slammed his fist to the table as I fell off the chair. "Rorey we need to talk now!" He didn't even care that I fell of the chair. "I'm fine thanks for asking". I said as Paul looked at me for four seconds and looked back at Rorey as I got up. "Seriously?" I asked as Paul pulled my aside. "I can't talk to you now". Paul holds me by my waist as I fold my hands. "Are you fucking kidding me? It's been three weeks that you haven't spoken to me". I rolled my eyes as he kisses me on my neck. "I know baby. I've been busy". He said as he moves my hair back. "Busy with what huh? Oooww, let me guess, I know. Your doing your stupid business and you rather do that than be with me. Don't you see that we don't spend any time together anymore". I away walked from him as he then pulls me back. "I do care about you and you are important to me". I just pushed his hands away from me. "But not important enough right?" I saw Rorey standing next to Paul. "Rorey, pass me your phone". He gave me his phone as I logged in and I deleted my number. "Don't call me. Only talk to me at school since I want nothing to do with u anymore". I said as I walked to the door. "Oh, and Paul?" I looked at him as he looked up at me. "Yea... We are done". I said as I walked out through the doors. I stopped when I heard it shut. I felt my tears falling as Tyrone, Jackson, Emily and Allyson walked by completely forgotten I was here standing. "Chelsea?" I looked at see Markie and he pulled me into a hug. "I heard what happened with Paul... I'm gonna beat that kid until his bones break". I looked at him and smiled. "Not now Markie". I said as we walked out of the school together. "Dad messaged me saying he is bringing his girlfriend over to dinner". I looked at him. "No way". I said as we got into the car. "And guess who is gonna cook... Me, that's when his girlfriend comes over". I laughed and he smiles. "What's funny?" I looked at him. "I haven't heard you complained about dad after mum died". He started the car.

"But mommy daddy is always sealing my food". Young Markie said as I saw mum laughed and when she laughs her hair bounces. "Marcus Thomas Low, your father steals your food because he knows your gonna waste the food and he always right". I love hearing mum laugh. "Mommy, is it weird wanting to talk the same way as you?" I looked at Zac and I giggled. "Don't giggle at your twin and no it's not weird". Zac stuck his tongue at me and he then smiles.

"Chelsea?" I looked at Markie and he frowned at me. "What were you thinking of?" He asked as he reversed the car and I smiled. "I was just remembering some memories of mom and us". I said as he kissed my forehead and he holds my hands. "I miss her so damn much". I saw tears falling down his face. This has never happened before and I've never seen him cry before too. "I'm always been bottling up my feelings and I gotta let it loose". I pulled him into a hug as I felt my left shoulder was wet with his tears. "Everyone knows that Markie doesn't cry, but in reality he does". I smiled when he said that. "You don't ever need to bottle up your feelings Markie". I said as we sit here and hug.


I was sick and tired of me cooking, but finally dad was cooking dinner for once. Which is good because no one likes my cooking but at least we get food to eat unlike people who can't get a proper meal or have money to buy food. I used to go to a church as right next to it was a building for the homeless to come and get breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sometimes when it's winter I would bring blankets or jumpers that people don't use anymore or they would let them stay in the area where they eat. We would move all the table and chair things that could hurt them or something else to be on the safe side. Last year they were renovating the building to be like a hotel so when they finished, I could go back there to help.

Sorry I haven't written in a while I've been stress from last year and half way in this year. I'll post more chapters when I can I've not forgotten about the stories

- My Pretty Kittens

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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