Chapter 5

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After explaining everything about The Originals, Hybrids, and Vampires I made my way home. When I got there I had such a surprise.

“Hello there love. How how has your little vacation been?” The voice asked. I knew who it was immediately.

“Kol!” I screamed jumping into his arms kissing him. In case you haven't noticed Kol is the love of my life. We met when I was like 8 but I always had a crush on him. As I got older he started having feeling for me. It was when I was finally turned that we could be together. It's been a long time since then.

Then I heard another voice. “Brother are you going to continue smooching my bff or do I get to say hello?”

“Rebekah!” I yelled in joy as she came and stole me away from Kol.

“Tell me everything that has happened since you got here.” She said. And so I did from the story of their family to how I got turned.

You might think they would be mad about spilling their story but they weren't because it's all part of the plan. And the plan is something no one will see coming.

“So, are all the Mikaelsons here?” I asked Kol and Rebekah.

“Yeah, love. Even Klaus.” Kol responded.

“They're looking for houses.” Rebekah added.

“Quick call them and tell them they can stay with me!”

“You got it bestie!” Rebekah said as she pulled out her phone calling them.

“So Kol are you going to go to school with me?” I asked sitting in his lap.

“I wouldn't miss it for the world.” He replied kissing me on the cheek.”

“Klaus and Elijah are making you aren't they?” I asked with a laugh.

Kol scowled replying, “Yes.”

I laughed even harder, the pack was in for quite a surprise tomorrow at school.

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