Chapter 6

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The next morning I woke up ecstatic to go to school. I have to say I have never been this happy to attend the hell known as High Schoool. I was even more happy that I would get to attend with the love of my life Kol Mikaelson. After getting out of bed I hopped in the shower and got dressed.

After getting dressed I went downstairs to be greeted by an amazing breakfast spread, compliment to my boyfriend. There were blonds, and brunettes, and even some gingers. Kol knew how much I loved the blood of a good ginger. Today was going even better than imagined.

After eating Kol, Rebekah, and I left for school on out motorcycles.

As we drove up I laughed at the look on peoples faces. They were in for a big surprise. As we walked in school the girls looked at Kol with lust in their eyes. I growled at them. Kol heard be and pulled me closer to his chest. I wrapped my arm around him claiming him as mine.

As we entered the school I saw Isaac looking at Kol’s hand resting just above my but. I could smell his jealousy. I wonder why? I mean he acted like he hated me so why would he be jealous? I chose to dismiss the thought.

We made our way over to the McCall pack. They all had looks of questioning on their faces.

“Who are they?” Isaac asked, choosing to be the one to ask the question they were all wondering. But i think that when he asked he was mostly asking about Kol.

“This is my boyfriend Kol Mikaelson, and my best friend Rebekah Mikaelson.” I replied. They all had looks of either fear or confusion. Isaac looked mad, maybe mad that Kol was my boyfriend.

Scott was the first to speak up. “They can’t be here, they are dangerous.” He said threateningly. After he said that Kol and Rebekah both looked pissed.

This was not going to end well.


Authors Note

~Hey guys I want to apologize for not updating sooner. I was very busy over the summer and with school recently if you want me to continue this story please let me know.

Thanks guys

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