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Aomine's POV

I just got shoved into the gym, and people are staring at me. Other players, fans of said players, and even a few teachers. The Touou team was in a practice match. I strode to the locker room to change, feeling awkward and frustrated inside, but looking like the total boss I am outside.

My practice jersey and shorts hadn't been touched since the first day. I gave up on everyone in practice and decided to lead this thing myself. That meant I was leaving everyone who couldn't keep up behind. And now I'm back here. Great.

I stepped out onto the court, my shoes laced tightly, and my game face on. I stood by our captain, Imayoshi, and waited for the next time out to be put in. When I was, the game was suddenly a blur. Our end score was 105-32. Again, another disappointing game. I left everyone to their own devices to give them time to develop skill, and they still can't catch up to me.

As the team starts to break down, and clean up, I go to the locker room to change. I sling my bag over my shoulder, and walk home.

As I walk up the steps to my front door, I notice a soft, banging noise coming from across the street. I drop my bag and go to the side of my lawn, to see what's making the noise. There, I see L/n kicking her door, muttering curses.

I sneak up behind her, careful to be quiet on the grass. "What are you doing?" I asked, even though it was obvious she lost her key, or forgot it somewhere, or something. "Nothing, just... Fixing our door." This is probably why people see her as strange. She doesn't talk to people much, but when she does, she says the stupidest things.

"Really," I say, waiting for her to just confess her slip up. "Yes." Well, so much for that. She's sticking to her story. I start walking back to my house and turn back, waiting for her to catch up. "Come on. You can stay over at my house until someone shows up with a key, or you find yours."

She stands with her face scrunched up, crossing her arms after she grabs her satchel, following me to my house. We walk in, and I set my key in a bowl by the door, taking my shoes off, and trading them for indoor slippers. I hand L/n an extra pair meant for guests. My family is kind of old fashioned. Most people just wear socks inside now.

"Pardon the intrusion," she mumbles, as she slides the slippers on, still carrying her bag and blazer with her. Suddenly, my mom comes around the corner, wiping her hands on her apron. "Oh, Daiki! Welcome--" she pauses, seeing L/n behind me. "What? You didn't say anything about a guest! And a girl, no less!" She runs up to L/n, and grips her hands. "What's your name, dear?" I sigh. "Ugh, Okaasan--" I get cut off, as my mother whips her head around, silencing me with a deadly glare. "Uhmm, L/n Y/n. It's nice to meat you, Mrs. Aomine." She bows politely. What an act.

"Such a charmer too! Wow, Daiki, you pick them well!" My mother teases us, L/n going pink in the cheeks, and me shifting uncomfortably. "A-actually, I forgot my keys inside of my house, and he Invited me over because I couldn't get into it..." L/n said, shyly. Why can't she be so sweet any other time?

"Oh! Where are my manners? Come on in! Dinner's almost ready!" My mother drags her to the kitchen, and they sit at the table, probably talking about girl things. I go upstairs, setting L/n's stuff that she left by the door on the guest bed in the guest bedroom, and going to slump in my own room.

I change into comfortable clothes, a white tee and grey sweat pants. I hear my mom call me down for dinner.

As I sit down, I see L/n glancing between my mom and I. She's no doubt comparing our traits. I look like my dad, but got my skin and hair colors from my mom. She then glances down at her food, eating a piece of lettuce my mom set up as a side. We were having rib-eye steak, steamed potatoes, and romaine lettuce with French dressing.

Soon, after the awkward silence, we all finished our food, and mom went to wash the plates. L/n offered to help, and I went to the den to watch the T.V. Soon, L/n joined me, and we watched a drama that she picked out. I fell asleep at some point, but woke up when I heard my mom come in the room. L/n was locked into the drama she was watching, eyes shining as she stared wide-eyes at the screen.

My mom gave her a clean gown to wear to bed, and a towel to shower with. L/n went upstairs to shower, after my mom gave her directions. After she heard running water, she sat next to me and giggled. "So... How long have you dated?"

She was smirking at me, her arms crossed. "Not at all. We met like, three days ago," I said, arms behind my head, squinting my eyes at her. I love my mom, but she's very.. annoying, sometimes. She loves to make people embarrassed. Or maybe just me. I'll never know.

"She's a very lovely girl. A shame you two aren't dating. How did you meet?" I closed my eyes, recalling the event, "Well, technically two days ago, but she almost killed me with a volleyball when I stopped to watch a few seconds of their practice one day before that. She's really strong for a girl."

My mom smiled, and patted my leg. "You haven't had any girls over other than Momoi. I was beginning to think you were gay!" She got up, and laughed as she saw my face twist in disgust. Soon, I heard steps coming from the stairs and I turned my head to see L/n in a white nightgown, wet hair cascading over her shoulders, and big eyes looking around, as she combed through her hair with her fingers.

If I had a camera I would capture the moment in time forever. She was was more beautiful than any of the girls in my magazines. Then, I saw the point of her nipple through the white fabric. Instantly, blood was gushing from my nose.

Your POV

I climbed in the shower, letting my hair down from its usual ponytail. I used the women's scrubs I saw on the shelves, but only men's shampoo. It smelled like Aomine. A very... manly smell, I guess. It's hard to describe, but I like it. Soon, I got out, and put on the gown Mrs. Aomine gave me. I wrapped my hair in a towel, and examined myself in the full body mirror on the door.

The gown flowed over my s/c skin, gathering at each dip in my curves, accentuating my bust. Great, something for A-hoe-mine to goggle at. I undid the towel, and ruffled my hair with it. I don't have a clean bra or underwear to put on. I'm not putting on my sweaty sports bra again. Damn it!

I opened the bathroom door, after checking to make sure I didn't leave anything behind. It would be embarrassing if Aomine picked up my bra or spandex.. I put the towel in the laundry shoot Mrs. Aomine told me about, and headed downstairs to say goodnight, and see about getting a glass of water.

When I came down the stairs, I looked around at the walls. There were only pictures of Aomine growing up, or Aomine and his mom. I continued down, holding onto the railing.

I noticed Aomine looking at me when I stood at the bottom of the stairs, and quickly got annoyed, seeing his nose bleeding and knowing he was thinking weird thoughts about me in the gown. I was like a flash, suddenly next to him, leaving a dent in his head with a punch so fast, he didn't see it coming.

"Ow! What the hell?!" He said, rubbing his head, glaring at me, standing over his sitting form. "Hmph. That's what you get, perv," I said, walking to the kitchen, seeing Mrs. Aomine preparing a few bento, no doubt for school tomorrow.

"Oh, can I help?" You asked, taking the knife from her. "Hehe, well, you took my knife, so I suppose you can." She laughed, and I felt embarrassed. I tied an apron around my waist and neck before she noticed me being bra-less. "Oh.. I'm sorry," I said, rubbing my neck with my free hand. "It's no problem, sweetie," she said, smiling at my embarrassed behavior. She watched as I expertly prepared the final bento, using spice combinations she never even thought of.

I placed the lid on it, and tied it with a blue cloth, adding it to the stack she had already prepared. "Wow, L/n, you can really cook! Your husband will be very lucky to have you," Mrs. Aomine smiled, putting the lunches in the fridge. "I've had a lot of time to experiment and practice at home," I said, smiling back at her.

"It's payed off," she replied, getting a glass from a cabinet. "Here, you should take a glass of water with you to bed," she smiled again, handing me the drink. I took it, and we both said our good nights to each other.

When you came back to the den, Aomine was still rubbing his head. "Night. Wake me up when you get up." I said, walking up the stairs. "Night," he grumbled, sounding a bit annoyed.

What's his problem?

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