Eclipse Special :)

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( My specials don't go along the same story line as the actual story!! I'm in the area of totality and I had something really funny happen today before we got let out of school early for this so I'm writing a special about how it went because it was so damn funny!) [August 21, 2017]

Of course this was something I was prepared for. The first total eclipse to come through Japan in a long time? No way I could miss that! The astronomy club handed out free solar glasses to everyone they could before school started. The eclipse was supposed to happen around lunch time which was perfect, because I could watch it with my friends. That is something I haven't been able to say since I was maybe five.

The day was mostly boring, regular lectures, and small mentions of the eclipse unless it was in science, where our teacher went completely insane about the event and even compiled a whole lesson over it somehow.

Eventually lunch came around, and it was time for me to sneak away from the assembly the staff arranged to the rooftop where I knew Aomine and Satsuki would be. Who wants to watch the eclipse with your class instead of your best friends? Sounds awkward and boring to me, anyway. I climbed the ladder and flopped down next to the two, staring at the sky, slowly seeing the sun reach across it's blue canvas, but not quite in front of the sun. I smiled at Aomine and Satsuki arguing, but it was just a friends quarrel.

After a while, It started to seem dark all around us, and I put on my solar glasses, as did Satsuki. but not Aomine. "Aomine where are your glasses? The eclipse is starting!" I said, looking around his hands to see if he just hadn't put his glasses on yet. He just slightly shook his head and said, "I didn't grab any from the astronomy people."

I jumped up and immediately ran to the ladder, and just jumped. It hurt my knees a little, but if Ichigo can jump on and off of telephone poles I don't see why I can't jump from here. I sprinted to the stairs and immediately ran to the science room, knowing that the teacher had a few extra pairs he keeps for decoration on his wall. No one was in the school; they were all watching the eclipse. I quickly went to the wall by his podium where they were in a frame, and broke the frame apart. I felt a little bad, but another eclipse wouldn't happen around here for a long time after this, so I'm sure it'll be fine. I ran back up to the rooftop and basically jumped to where my friends were. It didn't look as graceful as you may be imagining. It actually kind of hurt. Don't laugh.

I quickly scrambled over to Aomine and threw the stolen glasses at him. "Hurry, put 'em on so you can see the eclipse without going blind!" he put them on, and we all reclined back, staring at the almost completely covered sun. Satsuki suddenly shot up and put her phone in her pocket. "Oh, I just got a text from.. a friend! I need to go down to the assembly. Sorry I couldn't watch the eclipse with you guys! I have to hurry before it's over!" We told her it was okay and said our quick good-byes. Wait! She left me alone with Aomine! she knows I like him, and she got away to leave us alone! It was really hard to get comfortable on the concrete of the building, and I was wearing my blazer, so I couldn't use that as a pillow. Aomine noticed my struggle.

He patted his shoulder and crossed his arms behind his head again, watching the sun slowly come into its totality. I got super confused as to what he wanted. He also noticed that.

"Put your head on my shoulder. I can tell you're uncomfortable," he said, not looking at me. It could've been the lighting since the eclipse made it look really dark and weird outside, but I swear he was blushing. Grimacing, and kind of blushing myself, I slowly put my head on his shoulder, and tensed up. It was a little awkward. Okay, maybe it was really awkward. For me, at least.

"Hey, don't be so tense. I'll change my mind and throw you off of the roof," he grunted, shifting a bit so he could get comfortable, too. When he stopped moving, I suddenly felt completely at ease. My head seemed to perfectly fit in the crook of his shoulder and neck, where his muscles were relaxed, and I could feel his body heat. I relaxed, and stared at the sun, taking the risk of being creepy as I took in his scent.

The sun shifted into place, and the sky faded into its beautiful cotton candy colors. It was almost as if the sun was setting every where at once, because an orange haze was at every corner of my vision, the sky became a darker pastel blue, and a few stars I had never seen were suddenly visible. The dark circle of the moon and the sun's corona was the center of the masterpiece. The sky was painted by God himself. It was gorgeous.

I closed my eyes and took in the sound of bugs chirping, thinking it was night, and the distant cheers of the whole school. I felt Aomine's rough hand on my face, and he sat up, tilting me up with him. I opened my eyes and look up to him in question, but didn't have time to ask anything. I felt an electric jolt go through my entire body, his strong and surprisingly soft lips working against mine. His hand moved down and cupped my face, and I closed my eyes and leaned into the kiss, putting my hands on both sides of his face. A single hot tear free fell from my eye and we pulled away, him resting his forehead against mine as the surrounding area lightened. The totality was over.

We kissed under the sun and the moon, experiencing things we never had before. (A/N: THAT'S NOT DIRTY!!!)

"I love you, Y/n. So much.." he whispered, finally opening his eyes.

"Why are you crying," he asked, wiping the tear away with his thumb. I felt my eyes squint and I gave a gigantic smile as I felt a huge amount of tears spill over. "I'm so happy," I choked through sobs. It wasn't pretty. How could I ruin a moment like this, goddammit?!

He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me in for the best hug of my life. What did I do to deserve this? To deserve him?

I noticed that the students below started to shift, meaning that we probably needed to go to class. I tried to pull him up, but failed. "Come on, Daiki!! We have to return those stolen glasses!" I yelled, taking off before him. "You stole them?!" He shouted behind me and scrambled to the stairs with me. Luckily we made it to the classroom before other students did. I put the glasses on the broken frame and quietly slid it under documents in his podium. "Aaaand no one shall know..." I said, breathing a sigh of relief. I heard a small scoff from blue potato. "Well, I know. Looks like I've somehow influenced you to act differently."


He choked on air and sputtered out heavy coughs, barely able to speak, "WHAT THE--"

The door suddenly opened. "FUCK?!" Imayoshi finished, strolling into the lab. "WHAT DID YOU DO AOMINE?"


Imayoshi deflated. "I was so damn weirded out and worried what the fuck why do you do this to me what did I do to anger the gods..?" he muttered, sitting at what I assumed to be his desk. I suddenly realized why they reacted the way they did. I was silent. I ran out the door, seeing as I didn't have science now anyway, but Daiki did. "BYEDAIKIILOVEYOUTOO!" I shouted, quickly escaping.


Dear God please help me I have never felt so flushed I'm certain I'm blushing for many reasons reason one that whole thing kind of turned me on please help also she called me by my name for the second time and she loves me too okay thanks God good guy talk.


I ignored Imayoshi's glances and sat through classes waiting for my next chance to kiss Y/n. What? I'm addicted.

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