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        It was the next morning, and I was sleeping soundly. Key word: was. Aomine had the brightest idea to put ice on my exposed neck. I sat up with a start, and cringed, quivering as it fell down the front of the gown you were wearing. I let out a shaky breath and a shriek as I Jumped up and turned towards the idiot.

My breath was a whisper as I glared at him. "You are so dead."

His snicker was cut off as he stared at me through the corner of his eye. "I get the feeling that I'm supposed to be running," he thought, starting to step away.

Aomine backed toward the kitchen, stopping when his mom handed him a plate holding breakfast. I looked at the clock, seeing that everyone was already dressed and ready for the day. My eyes nearly fell out of my skull when I saw the time--it was fifteen minutes past the time I usually leave. "AHH," I yelled, running up the stairs, back to the guest room. I threw on my washed uniform and hurriedly used the comb Ms. Aomine provided. I raced back down the stairs, and grabbed the piece of toast off of the plate that held Aomine's breakfast. "Hey!" was all he said, but I had no time to worry about him being mad. I ran to the door, and put on my shoes, calling out several apologies and "Thank you!"s to the Aomines as I ran down the street toward Touou.

Aomine stood up from the table in the kitchen and took the clock off the wall. He set the clock back an hour, and put it back on the wall. His mom crossed her arms, and frowned at her son. "Don't be changing the clock like that, Daiki! She forgot her satchel and her bento all because of your dirty trick--and she looked like a walking landfill!" She continued to lecture him, until it was time to actually go to school. She gave him both his and Y/n's bento, and made him carry her bag to the school.

Your POV

'I am so late,' I internally screamed, as I continued to sprint down the street. I have to leave early for morning practices, and if I didn't, the whole team was sluggish and lazy--and they couldn't do much volleyball when they were busy staring at the basketball guys. Upon arriving at the school gates, I soon found that my bags weren't on my hip, as they normally would be. That also meant that I had no lunch today. Great. There was no way I was about to run all the way back home when it was--wait, 5:32?! I saw the clock on the ATM kiosk, and grunted. You suddenly felt all of the tiredness from being awake so soon, and sprinting down the street with a piece of toast in my mouth. The sound of gravel crunching on my feet turning around to head back to Aomine's house seemed more present than usual, mocking me.

"L/n! Wait up a second," I heard from behind. I turned to be face-to-chest with Aomine, once again. "You douche! Stop getting so close to me. AND WHY THE HELL AM I RUNNING TO SCHOOL AT HALF-PAST FIVE?!" Aomine just stood there, looking bored. "It was funny. Here's your bags. And your lunch," was all he said, slinging his bag over his shoulder, and heading to what you guessed was the gym. I ran after him, having nothing better to do. My homework was already finished from extra time I had yesterday. I picked up on the fact that Aomine glancing back at me every once in a while, and this last time, I caught him with a glare. "What are you looking at," I growled, an Aomine sneered back at you. "I haven't figured it out yet."

I jumped up an hit him over the top of the head, and ran ahead of him, to start setting up the gym for morning practice. I heard his heavy steps gaining on me from behind. I was suddenly hoisted into the air, and thrown over a built shoulder, like I was a sack of potatoes or flour or something. "Let me down, Ahomine."

He said nothing as he carried me to the basketball court, or the boys' gym. I tried to violently thrash out of his arms, but his grip on me was sturdy--not going anywhere. When I was finally let down, I gave him a fast kick to the shin. He didn't seem to like that very much. I yelled over my shoulder, "I fucking hate you, Aomine Daiki!" and managed to get to the girls' gym and lock the doors before he got to me. I ignored him banging on the door as I went to the supply closet and grabbed one of the heavy poles, carefully setting it in the hole in the court, and locking the cover on the other side. I repeated this, and grabbed the net, as well as two boundary poles and a net measure. I hooked one side of the net onto the latch that was on the pole, then struggled to get it hooked on the other side.

Finally, the net was hooked, and I just had to tighten the crank until the net was 7'4" tall. After I found a height that was good enough, grabbing the ball cart and started doing warm-ups by myself was all I had to do. As soon as I was finished, a soft knock on the door reverberated through the gym's space. The team started funneling into the gym as soon as I opened the door.

When practice was over, and I had showered and changed into uniform once again, I jogged to the boys' gym, but no one was inside. That meant that Aomine had gone home, went up to the roof, or went to class already. The last option was highly unlikely, so I trudged your way up the stairs, and climbed up the ladder. On top of the roof, laying on his back, it was none other than Aomine. "Aomine, we have to get to class," I said. I was pretty sure he heard me, but in case he didn't, I screamed it again in his ear.

His eyes finally snapped open, and he covered his ears, an unpleasant look strung about his face. "Fine! Jesus, woman," he groaned, and we both headed to class. Of course I didn't really pay attention in class, already knowing the topic, but the teacher caught my attention as he called Aomine up to the board to solve a math problem. "He should know this," I thought, "I taught it to him recently." I watched as Aomine slightly struggled to get his thought onto the board. I knew that he could get the answer, and it seemed the teacher had as well, but he kept Aomine up at the board, probably to embarrass him.

"So you have to take the square of this number, and carry it down here, and add it with this..." Aomine glanced at me, practically begging for help. I relished in his pain and worship. It was unlikely he would ever ask for help any other time. I looked at his work, and held up the number four, referencing his fourth step in his work. he wrote down the solution at the bottom, and the teacher told him to have a seat as the class sat in shock. Murmurs of, "I thought he was a stupid jock," "I didn't know he could do math!" "He seems much hotter when he's got the brains to go with his brawn!" "Mika, why can't you love me like you love him?!" were floating around in every empty space. I chuckled at the last comment I heard and gave him a thumbs up, but he didn't notice, because as soon as the bell rang, half of the class swarmed him. Way to go, Mr. Popular.

I shook your head, and got up for the next class. The maths teacher glided over to me stopping me from leaving, looking ecstatic. "Well done, L/n! It seems your hard work and dedication has begun to pay off. Keep up the good work," is what he said, though I only heard bits and pieces as I watched Aomine get irritated with all of the people surrounding him. Finally, The next teacher came in, and they all went back to their desks. English class had started, and this was going to be the real challenge.

I had glazed over English with Aomine, but didn't focus on it very hard. I only tutored him for most of the other subjects, damn it! If the teacher called on Aomine, I was bound to get a tough lecture. That was guaranteed to be a mess.

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