Admitting My Feelings Part 1

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Authors Note this story takes place I after Things Change and Trouble in Tokyo with that being said let us begin shall we

Ravens P.O.V

It was just a another ordinary day in Jump City California and in Titan Tower Robin was training in the Training room StarFire was doing Azar knows what Beast Boy and Cyborg were playing a game on the game-station and i was meditating on the roof of the Tower while drinking my cup of tea at the same time I was just about to go to Nevermore, when I felt an excessive amount of sadness radiating from inside the Tower due to me being a empath so I lowered myself down from my lotus meditation position once my feet had touched the ground I grabbed my cup of tea and walked down the flight of stairs from the roof to the towers interior to find out who was causing the amount of sadness I walked into the living room where I expected to both Cyborg and BeastBoy but to my surprise I only found Cyborg there so I walked up to him and asked him if he knew where BeastBoy was and he replied that he might be either in his room or training at the training course outside of the T-Tower but he wasn't sure exactly where he was so I first went to his room to see if he was there and as I was walking to his room I was hit by a huge amount of sadness permeating from his room so I continued walking to his bedroom door and once I reached his door i knocked on it and he replied from the other side of the door Who is it and I replied it's Raven as well as a may I come in after a few minutes the door slid open and standing there was BeastBoy with blood-red 👀 like he'd been crying looking at me and once I finally regained my focus and composure BeastBoy said that I was welcomed to come in and keep him company if I wanted to and I said that I'd love that very much once I entered his room he motioned for me to sit down on his bed by patting on a spot on the bed near him, and once I had sat down I asked him if he was feeling alright and he shook his head no and I processed to ask him why he wasn't his happy-self and he replied that the reason why he was so down in the dumps was because that really missed Terra and that he still loved her even with all the terrible things that she had done when she was DeathStroke Aka Slade's Apprentice he then continued saying that if she wasn't frozen in stone he would have asked her if she wanted to be his girlfriend but since she's frozen in stone that he'll never be able to tell her how he really felt about her and with her not here with him he will always be sad and never be happy again BeastBoy then broke down crying and seeing him in this type of state just 💔my 💜 I then proceeded to comfort him by gently rubbing circles on his back and letting him cry onto my shoulder, I then proceeded to tell him how much that I love him and not just as a best friend or brother but something even more and that I've had feelings for him since the Tokyo Incident i just had a hard time with my emotions which he understood as well, I then proceeded to end-my little pep-talk with I love you for who you are Garfield Mark God Damn Logan, He just sat next there speechless and from what I could tell processing all the information that had been put out in the opening End of part 1
Hey everyone I'm back and more determined then ever with my stories I hope you have enjoyed Part 1 of my BeastBoy and Raven Fanfiction until next time Chao for now

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