part 13

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the rain pounded against the widow sill to the point where it literally looked it the house was underwater. tyler could just make out the shape of the trees whipping around in the wind, it was so erratic that there was a creeping sense of worry that they'd just... snap.

take out the house, or something.

as he mulling over the probability of his survival after something like that, there was a banging coming from his window. it scared him so badly that he fell out of bed, staring at the window with wide eyes.

there was a figure perched on the sill, and whoever it was banged on it once again.

he debated between shouting for his parents of just straight up calling the police before a familiar voice called out, "tyler! let me in!"


tyler scrambled to get to the window, unlatching it and throwing it open, letting josh tumble onto the bed, although he ended up rolling off and flopping onto the floor with a wet smacking sound.

he closed the window immediately after, of course. he preferred to not have to explain to his mother about why there was already water damage in a house they'd barely lived in for a month. although, he might have to do that regardless of whether the window was open or closed, seeing as josh was already forming a bit of a puddle in the spot he was lying in.

"what the hell, dude?" tyler asked.

josh took a minute to answer him, still trying to catch his breath. "uh... i wanted to talk to you?"

tyler blinked at him. "we have phones. you didn't have to scale the side of my house while it's torrentially raining."

josh shook his head, pushing himself up off of the floor. "no, this isn't really a phone conversation. do you, like, have a towel or something, though? i think i got a bit... wet."

tyler rolled his eyes. "i can see that. follow me," he said, hopping off of the bed and opening the door to his room as quietly as possible before continuing down the hallway to the linen closet.

he could hear josh dripping onto the floor behind him, and he took out about three towels and shoved them into josh's arms.

"could you possibly, uh, stop dripping?"

josh just stared at him. "no? i don't really have control of it."

tyler sighed. "i thought not. i think i have some clothes that would fit you. so you can stop ruining my floor."

josh nodded. "okay. that's fine."

they walked back to tyler's room, josh closing the door behind him.

tyler flipped the light on his desk lamp on and walked to his dresser, rifling through it before he found a shirt that looked like it would fit josh.

they were around the same size, but tyler was a bit taller than josh, so pretty much all of his shirts would be too big. he also found a pair of sweatpants, and he tossed them over to the other boy, who immediately took off his shirt.

tyler, in an attempt to not die, spun around as quickly as possible and faced his wall until josh laughed and said, "i'm dressed now, you can turn around."

tyler complied.

the sweatpants were long on him and the bottoms were completely on the floor, but the shirt fit pretty well.

tyler noticed that josh's usual heavy eye makeup had run down his cheeks.

josh had dropped one of the towels on the bed and was using another one to dry out his hair. the third was on the ground, acting as a barrier between his wet clothes and the floor.

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