part 14

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"fuck you and your cheating, communist ass!" tyler shouted as he mashed the buttons on the game controller.

patrick cackled as his character shot tyler's in the back of the head. "you win some, you lose some, tyler."

tyler dropped the controller and narrowed his eyes at his friend, before picking it back up and pausing the game.

"okay, you know what, remember how i wanted to talk to you? let's do that before i decide to fucking murder you."

patrick rolled his eyes. "fine. like you could kill me anyway, you can't even beat me in a video game."

tyler glared at him. "okay, so, as i was saying,"

patrick snorted. "sorry, your highness, go on."

"i, uh. i wanted ask you something."

all mockery faded from patrick's expression, and he sat up straighter and put on a 'i am a good, understanding friend' face.

"what's up?"

tyler rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "i like josh. as more than a friend."

patrick stared at him blankly. "i'm short."

tyler gave him a questioning look. "what does that have to do with anything?"

patrick just blinked at him. "sorry, i thought we were stating blatantly obvious things. continue."

"anyway, i want to ask him out," tyler explained.

"and you want my blessing? i'm sorry, i'm not following, what's the issue?"

tyler huffed exasperatedly. "i don't know how i'm supposed to do that."

"as the great, wise shia labeuf once said, just do it."

tyler stared at him, disgusted. "that is so stale, you should be ashamed of yourself."

"do you want my advice or not?"

tyler nodded. "sorry, keep going."

patrick gave a self satisfied grin. "that's what i thought."

he continued, "okay, anyway. josh obviously has a thing for you. like, have you even seen the way he looks at you? it's mikey and pete level sickening times one thousand."

tyler blushed. "really?"

patrick rolled his eyes fondly and nodded. "yeah. i can guarantee you that if you ask him out, he will say yes. you can do it!"

tyler smiled helplessly. "thanks, man. but, like, how do i ask? i want to make it a thing, but not like a cheesy thing, you know?"

"actually, i don't, so all i'm gonna say is that no matter what you do, if you get your point across, you're gonna get yourself a boyfriend. although, that means you can't be in the single person club with me anymore, so i can't imagine why you'd want to do that."

tyler frowned. "but i need like, a game plan."

patrick raised an eyebrow. "do you? because i feel like it would come off a lot more genuine if you just went and asked or whatever when it felt right. josh doesn't need some orchestrated sequence of events. that stuff only happens in movies and bad fanfiction."

tyler sighed. "i mean, i guess, but like. planning. i just. i don't-"

patrick laughed lightly. "just do yourself a favour, ty. don't over think this. you'll do fine."

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