Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 🦋


"Hi Keith." Brittany said waving at me sexily as I headed to my first block class.

"Hey Brittany." I replied back to her biting my lips as I looked at her ass once she walked past.

Brittany with the fat ass.

I continued walking when I was met with Ashley, a hot lightskin chick that I've messed around with a couple of times.

"Hey, Keith. When you taking me out again?" Ashley asked me.

Ashley has some fat ass lips. I could just suck on them all day.

"Whenever I'm free, I'll text you." I told her about to walk past her but she grabbed my arm.

"Where's my kiss?" She questioned making scrunch up my face.

She knows better than to ask me for a kiss while we're in school.

She sighed, "I'll see you later," She walked off.

I finally arrived at my first class a minute before the bell ranged and was met with Amara sitting in the chair next to mine. It's bad enough our families force us to see each other every weekend but having to sit next to her in class almost everyday is annoying.

I sat down next to her avoiding eye contact by looking the other way. We have to spend an hour and a half in this class so I hope time flies by. This a child development class, I'm only taking this so I could fill in apart of my schedule plus in the near future I would love to be a father. I love kids and they love me. There's a lot of cuties in this class so that's another thing I love about it.

After another minute of sitting our teacher finally came into the room and everyone went quiet.

"First, I'm gonna take attendance then we'll get started..." Mrs. White said as she went over to her computer to take attendance.

I pulled out my phone to check my messages and seen a message pop up from Jazmyn, I took her out last night and we had a lot of fun if you know what I mean. I bit my lips just thinking about her.

I heard Amara suck her lips and looked up to see her roll her eyes.

She's so jealous and I love it. It's funny to me because she says she hates me but is constantly worried about what I do.

"Okay class. As I have told you for the past few weeks since this class has started that we're starting our baby project or should I say challenge. I'm gonna pair each of you girls up with a guy in the classroom and you're gonna be responsible for taking care of a mechanically stimulated baby." Our teacher stated as she picked up the fake baby which is strapped into a car seat.

I looked around to see that majority of the class is filled with females and there's only a couple of guys.

"Since there are more girls then guys some of you girls will have to partner up with another girl." The teacher answered all of our question.

I just hope I'm not partnered up with Amara. I turned to look at her as she sat in her chair before the teacher started talking again.

"I'm gonna call out partners and when I do you can go and sit with them." The teacher stated as she grabbed a clipboard off of her desk.

"Diana and Robert."

"Suzie and Tyrone."

"Kim and Joshua."

"Tiana and Stacy."

"Cindy and Macy."

"Keith and Amara."

We both groaned at the same time as we looked at each other. Amara rolled her eyes.

"I don't wanna be partners with you either." I retorted.

The teacher named off more partners before giving us instructions.

"With this baby or should I say fake baby you'll have to treat him or her like a real baby. You'll have to feed it, bathe it, change its diaper, and do all the other things you have to do to real babies. You'll be graded on how well you can handle the baby meaning that if you leave the baby crying for a while it'll alert my little system on the computer and you'll lose points. This project is worth a hundred points so you better take care of the baby. Now come and get your babies!" Mrs. White explained to us.

Instead of us going to get our baby we stayed seated. I raised my hand catching the attention of Mrs. White.

"Yes Keith?" She asked.

"Can I change partners?" I questioned her.

She gave me a look before looking at Amara.

"No, there's no one left." She replied back to me.

"Well can I work on this project by myself?" I asked her.

"There's not enough babies and besides I think Amara would make a great co-parent." She answered my question with a smile.

We're definitely about to fail.

"You two can make it work now come and get your baby!" She exclaimed with a smile.

Amara got up to go get the baby while I stayed seated.

"Pick a name for your baby, grab a diaper bag, and take care of them like they're your real baby." Our teacher instructed.

When Amara came over with the baby and the diaper bag I looked in the car seat to see that our baby was pitch white.

I couldn't help but to laugh.

"This baby white as shit." I laughed harder making Amara laugh and shake her head.

I don't want to do this whole baby project with her but I'm not failing it so I have no choice but to get along with her for now.

That will probably never happen so might as well just fail me now.


Keith gets around 😭

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