Chapter 20

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Chapter 20🦋


Three weeks later

"Keith...I have something to tell you," Amara said with a serious tone in her voice.

I have a feeling she's gonna tell me something I really don't want to hear.

"Yes, Amara?" I asked as I stared at her.

From the look on her face I can tell that she's upset, nearly in tears.

She pulled a paper bag out from inside her bookbag and gave it to me.

"Look inside," She mumbled.

"Why you acting all scary for?" I asked her as I chuckled a little before opening the bag. I couldn't see so I grabbed the item in the bag to get a closer look.

"I know this ain't what I think it is..." I trailed off before I put it back in the bag and handed it back to her.

"You can't be serious right now...I swear I wrapped it up," I said getting off of my bed and beginning to pace.

I'm only seventeen years old...I can't be no daddy right now, I'm still a baby myself.

"You know condoms are eighty-five percent effective meaning that fifteen out of every a hundred people who use condoms can become pregnant," Amara informed me making me mean mug her.

"Well we ain't one of those fifteen," I replied back to her.

"Really because I think I'm starting to show..." Amara stated before lifting her shirt.

Which there in plain view was a little bump.

"How the hell are you showing already?" I asked her.

"I don't know. I asked my mom and she said that she was showing early too. Do you think it's a girl or a boy? If it's a boy we can name him Keith Powers Jr and if it's a girl we can name her Kamara..." Amara said with the proudest look on her face.

"Get it? Kamara? Keith and Amara...our names put together, isn't it cute?"

"Kamara..Kamara...Kamara," I repeated before waking up in bed full of sweat.

I looked at my phone to see that it's 5:27 in the morning. It's five in the morning and I'm having dreams about Amara being pregnant....maybe that's a sign.

I do remember wrapping it up but I also remember that one of them broke. I just didn't tell Amara about it because I didn't want her to worry about it.


What if she really is pregnant? After the shit I just said to her she's gonna want nothing to do with me and we're way too young for a child. I can't have a baby now I got shit to do.

I am never gonna be able to go back to sleep with all of this on my mind.

I decided to pull out my phone and scroll through Instagram. First picture that popped up after I refreshed my timeline was Amara. She uploaded a selfie with the caption "Flower child, Beautiful Child." I decided to be petty and like the post and comment "😍❤️👅" then I continued scrolling.

About a second later she comment back "🖕🏾" I chuckled to myself before going to text her. Imma use this as an opportunity to talk to her.

"You still mad at me? 😟" I text her

I waited for her reply for about ten minutes before deciding that she wasn't gonna message me back. As soon as I closed my phone it lit back up with a message.

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