Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 🦋

Amara 🦋

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Amara, happy birthday to you!" everyone singed in sync as I glanced around at all of my family and friends. My eyes landed on Keith who was clearly already looking at me.

Every time I see him which is usually at passing time in the hallways at school I think about that night in the bathroom when he kissed me. I've tried pushing it out of my head but somehow it still resurfaces.

Once everyone stopped singing I blew out my candles making everyone clap and cheer. It doesn't even feel like I'm eighteen.

"You get the first slice," my dad said as he grabbed a knife.

I nodded my head as I watched him cut a slice and slide it onto a paper plate. I was about to grab it from him when he pushed my face into the piece of cake.

I groaned. "I should've known this was coming," I stated making everyone erupt into laugher.

Every year, the same thing.

"I think I'm a little too old for this," I stated wiping some of the cake off my face with the napkins my mom gave me.

"You're our baby, you're never too old for this," my mom replied back swiping a finger along my face and licking the frosting with her finger.

"Whatever, better had got me some good gifts to make up for this," I said leaving to go into the house.

It's a tradition that my family throw me a birthday party in our own backyard each year. Usually we have loud music, the water hose out, the grill on, and domino games cracking (Which I still have no idea how to play to this day). My birthday has always been like a family get together.

Some of the cake that my dad smashed onto my face slipped down and landed on my dress so I have to change. I went to my room and started digging through my closet. He just had to ruin a perfect outfit.

"You need some help?" I heard Keith's voice call out making me jump.

"What are you doing in here? You scared me," I asked him with raised eyebrows.

He walked towards me, "calm down, just thought we could talk."

"About what?" I asked him.

He gave me a look, "You know what."

"Oh so now you wanna talk. That was months ago, I've moved on already," I lied.

"Oh really?" He questioned as he started walking towards me.

He got closer and closer to me as I stood up against my closet door. Eventually, I could feel his breath on my face as he stood so close.

"Move," I nudged his chest a little bit.

His eyes remain on mine as he leaned in close.

"So you have moved on right?" He teased.

My heart's beating so fast I swear Keith can feel it against his chest.

"I swear I hate you so much," I mumbled before Keith smashed his lips into mine just like the first time.

I instantly began kissing him back.

It just feels so right...

He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as we refused to pull apart.

In that moment I forgot about the dozen of people outside celebrating me and the fact that I'm covered in cake.

Keith and I are going at it like hungry animals as we pulled off each other's clothes off piece by piece falling clumsily on the bed. I giggled as Keith rolled us over so he's on top.

I Hate You Too | Keith PowersWhere stories live. Discover now