Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 🦋

Keith 🦋

I woke up to my arm around Amara and her light snores filling the air. I couldn't help but to stare at her as she sleeps. She looks so much better when she's not opening her mouth saying something smart or mean mugging me. Don't even get me start on how good she smells and the little night gown she's wearing. One of my biggest turn ons is a woman that smells good. I looked down to see my little big man has awaken up early.

"Shit," I gently laid Amara's head on her pillow before running to the bathroom.

Amara can't know about this.

I damn near slammed the door shut before going to sit on the toilet seat top.

"Think about something else," I mumbled which usually helps in situations like this.

I don't know why this is happening. This has never happened before.

I heard a gentle knock on the bathroom door making me jump.

"Keith, what are you doing in there? I have to pee," Amara said making me shake my head.

"Um....I'm pooping," I lied to her making her groan.

"Okay you're disgusting! You couldn't have waited until you got home. Matter fact you need to take your shitty booty ass home," she replied making my head go away instantly.

I flushed the toilet.

"Got damn it smells like shit up in here," I said with a smile on my face.

"I'll just use the guest bathroom," I heard her say before she left the room.

I chuckled as I went back into her bedroom.

I went over to my phone on her nightstand to see that I have a ton of missed calls and text messages. Several of the texts were from Stacy asking if I was alright. I ignored her texts and decided to read the ones my mom left me.

The texts from my mom basically were just asking me where I was at and if I'm alright. We both must've dozed off last night. I sent her a text back saying I slept over at Amara's house. I just know my mom's not gonna care at all because her and my father just adore Amara.

After looking through my messages one more time I decided that it's time to leave.

"I'm leaving, Amara. I'll see you later," I called back to her as I went downstairs.

"Make sure you bring the baby to school tomorrow. It's our last day," Amara reminded me.

She's right, tomorrow is our last day with the baby. I'm happy to be done with this project.

I went downstairs to the smell of breakfast cooking in the kitchen. I couldn't help myself, I had to go see what her mom is cooking because just like my mom she can throw down.

I went into the kitchen to see that there are just bowls filled with breakfast foods.

"Bout time y'all woke up," Mr. Johnson said as I came into the room.

Mrs. Johnson instantly handed me a plate of food.

"Sit down, Keith. You must eat before you leave. I don't want your parents thinking we didn't feed you," she said making me laugh.

Typical black mom.

I started digging into the plate as soon as I sat down next to Mr.Johnson.

"So..what were you two doing...making some babies?" He questioned making me chock on the food I was eating.

I coughed a few times as I patted my chest.

"No, sir. We were just talking and ended up falling asleep," I replied back to him.

I don't know why are parents constantly try to make our relationship out to be more than it really is. We're just friends, shit barley even that. Last night really brought back the old days, how it use to be before we started hating each other. Actually really she just started hating me and I guess I just returned it back to her. I have no clue why she hates me.

"Hmmmm. You don't have to be modest. It's alright if you got some last night from my daughter," he said making me feel awkward.

"Titan!" Mrs. Johnson exclaimed making him wave her off.

"It's natural, nothing to be ashamed of around here shit that's how Amara and you got here," he retorted making me chuckle a little.

"It's alright for you to get you some boy just make sure you're taking care of her just right so she doesn't nag and complain like that one here," he pointed at Mrs. Johnson who's mean mugging him from across the room.

"Um okay..I have to go, I have something to do," I lied as I awkwardly stood up.

"Look, you done scared the boy," Mrs. Johnson said as I hurried out of the room.

I ran into Amara who still just so happens to be wearing that small nightgown.

"I thought you were leaving?" She asked as I held my hand not too obvious over my area.

"I'm leaving now," I replied back to her making her nod her head.

I hurried past her, ran out to my car, and instantly drove off.

I don't know what's wrong with me at all....


The next day...

"Alright everyone! It has been one week. I want you all to write another reflection on being a parent. What's a few things you've learned from being a parent, is it as easy as you thought it would be, and what's your favorite thing about being a parent for a week? I want this to be a page long and no you can't skip lines," Mrs. White said as she went over to her desk and sat down.

I looked over at Amara to see her face deep into her phone.

I just so happen to be close enough to look. I peeked over her shoulder to see her talking to her friend, Destiny, they are talking about me.

"I know I'm cute and all but that doesn't mean you have to talk about me with your girls all the time," I teased making Amara move away from me.

"First of all, stay out of my phone. Second, we were just talking about how stupid you are and third, you're not even cute," she stated giving me attitude like always.

A smirk appeared on my face once i realized she's lying. She looks me straight in the eyes when she's lying to make me think that she's telling the truth but I always see right through her.

That's one thing about her being my old bestfriend, I can always tell when she's lying, upset, or angry. It's something I enjoy taking advantage of.

"You don't have to lie, be honest with me and yourself," I replied back to her.

She rolled her eyes before pulling out a piece of paper and pencil.

"Let's get this done so I don't have to deal with you anymore," she said to me.

Keith and Amara in the mm.😍😍

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Does Keith like her? Does she like Keith?
Are they both putting on a front?

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