Chapter 10 | Wimp

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I knew what happened... She hinted enough, without even trying. I tried to joke with her as much as I could, but as soon as the conversation lagged, she went silent and her smile faded.

Right now was one of those times. I was staying up late to help her get it off of her mind. We were tired, and we'd run out of things to say.

So I just sat in the chair, staring into nothingness. She was sitting with her chin on her knees, the kind of posture never seen from her.

"Shimazu?" She asked.


"Remember when you said the thing about running away? And I got mad at you for it." She asked.

"Of course I do." I responded.

"Hmph... It doesn't seem like such a bad idea now..." She said, obviously forcing a smile.

"We could try. Tonight. Right now. Together." I said.

She chuckled, "You're out of your mind. Dare expects something like that for me. I'm sure he's watching the perimeters carefully. We'd get caught in an instant..." She said.

I didn't know how to respond to that, so I shut my mouth and didn't. Her eyes were void of hope; she looked the saddest I've ever seen her. It made my stomach twist and turn, and my heart ache. I felt like I was hurting more than her, but knew that couldn't be true. 

She had known Dare for a long time, and seemingly trusted him. She must feel beyond horrible and betrayed. 

"What are you still doing in here? It's 4 AM. Go to bed." She said.

"A-are you sure?" I asked.

"Just go. I'm fine by myself." She said. I began to leave, and even cut off her light, when I heard her whisper, "Thank you." 

I looked back but her back was turned from me. I don't know if she wanted me to hear that or not, but I felt a huge sense of accomplishment. I got a genuine thank you out of her...


That next day, when I walked into the living room, everything was tense. Akikata, Sai, and Ikoma were sitting there, seemingly waiting on me.

"Hey..." I greeted.

"It's your fault, isn't it?" Akikata asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Don't play dumb with me. Dare and Isshiki's little hookup. You caused it, didn't you?" He asked.

"N-no! I would never. This is the last thing Isshiki wants! I wouldn't do that to her." I said. So that IS what happened...

"If you hadn't showed up in the first place... This wouldn't have happened..." He said, gripping his knife and staring at me intensely.

"Akikata, stop." Sai commanded.

I clenched my fists, "Isshiki was treated as part of the group. I'm a part of this group, too. I'm not going to be bullied around. And I'm not going to put up with Isshiki getting bullied around, either." I declared, deciding it was time. I needed to stand up for us, even if it gave away my secret skills.

Akikata laughed his signature, chilling laugh, "Isshiki... GAINED respect. What have you done for us to make us respect you? Distract a guard? Good job, golden stars for you! I'll be sure to stick them on your corpse..." He said.

"His improv skills weren't bad. They have potential. We shouldn't kill him. I think we can use him." Sai stood up for me again, but I ignored him.

"Where's Dare? I want to speak to him." I declared.


I walked into the door of his office to see him sitting at his desk, Isshiki sitting in the chair in front of it.

She looked at me and a puzzled look crossed her face. "What are you doing?!" She asked, rising to her feet.

I swallowed hard, my fear going along with it. I'd been scared of Dare ever since he left all those scars on me. 

He was overwhelmingly strong and scary. But, I was going to stick to my word. I was tired of seeing Isshiki get bullied.

"Let Isshiki go." I said.

He chuckled, "I see you heard the news. Isshiki, did you tell him?"

"No. Akikata did, in the living room a minute ago. I want to know what kind of sick relationship this is, and how you get satisfaction over trapping the one you love in a relationship she doesn't want to be in." I said.

He raised his eyebrow, "You sure are... Gutsy to be the wimp I beat up a while ago... You're still a wimp. You won't be able to get Isshiki. I'd really like to see you try." He said.

"Shimazu, no. Just walk away." Isshiki said.

"Isshiki, I can't. I'm not running anymore." I said.

"I said leave." She said.

I ignored her, staring Dare in the eyes with a death threat.

"Leave!!!" She kicked me in the shin, but I didn't stumble or move one bit.

"This is for the best." I argued

"No it's not!!! It's for your death!!! Get out of this room NOW!!!" She said.

Dare chuckled, "It looks like Lady Isshiki was on my side after all." 

"She's not on your side. You're twisted." I argued.

"Leave before it's too late. Please..." I looked back at Isshiki and saw tears begin to form in her eyes.

She looked at me and they hardened again. "If you won't leave, I'll make you!" As I watched her fist come towards my face, all I could think was "No... She wouldn't..."

I'm trying to help her. Why can't she see that?

I could've grabbed her arm, but something made me hesitate. It was almost like a little voice went off in my head saying, "Let her".

Before I could decide against that logic, her fist slammed into my head, and everything seemed to completely vanish from existence. 

*Author's Note*

I know, that was a strange chapter. I didn't normally have that turn in mind, but I thought it was cool once it DID come to mind, so there it was.

But oh my goodness my birthday is tomorrow!!! I'll be 14 and going to high school! I feel like I shouldn't be old enough for high school, but here I am. I'm still mentally a 4th grader XD. I should NOT be graduating in 4 years.

Anyway, thank you very much for reading, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

~Angel Lynn~

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