Chapter 12 | Fear

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It's all my fault... Shimazu's in pain, and I'm the one that caused it. If only I could've talked Dare out of it, I would've...

Dare had decided to spare his life only because he was worried I'd try to commit suicide. And he was right; I probably would've if Shimazu died.

I didn't know why, but I couldn't bear the thought of him dying. It twisted my stomach in several ways and made my chest hurt. 

Now that he was in his room, I wondered if he was going to be alright. It seemed Dare hadn't spared him with the torture, only with the ending.

I worried that he wouldn't be the same again. He didn't joke around as much as he used to when I was helping him, and he never really smiled. Then again, I can't blame him. Dare broke his leg and much more.

I lay in bed now, after getting Shimazu situated, feeling stressed and worried. I suddenly wasn't the carefree Isshiki I had been, like, a week ago. So much had changed... I had changed... already...

It took a long time for me to go to sleep that night. 4 hours to be exact.

Dare had forced me to quit my job to stay with him, so I didn't have to get up early. But I did anyway, for no real reason in particular.

I walked to Shimazu's room and creaked open the door as quietly as I could. This action took me back for some reason, when I was doing the same thing. I had carefully opened the door to see Koga lying in his bed, alright.

My chest began to hurt with grieving and I froze, realizing how I'd connected Shimazu and Koga.

N-no. Shimazu's NOT going to die!!! It's not going to happen. He's fine. He's just hurt... a lot... But he's fine.

Shimazu was, in fact, fine. For some reason I expected not to see him there, but, of course, he was, resting.

My face heated up at the thought of him catching me, just standing there. Then the fear of DARE catching me, standing there.

I quickly backed up and closed the door louder than I would've liked.

The room diagonal to me, Sai walked out and motioned for me to come to him. Sai and I were pretty decent friends. We were probably the closest out of any of the other guys in the group, other than Shimazu, of course.

I walked into his room and sat down on HIS couch, him sitting across from me on the foot of his bed.

"Did Dare force you into that relationship?" He asked.

"Well... yeah..." I admitted.

"And he won't let you leave it, will he?" He asked.

"Of course not. What would the point have been to force me into it?" I asked.

"True. But Shimazu sure was worked up about it yesterday." He commented.

"I know, I saw..." 

"What do you think about it?" He asked.

I felt my face get pink as my brain tried to comprehend my answer to that question.

"What kind of question is that?! I don't know!" I defended, my heart racing in fear.

"You totally like him." He commented.

"N-no I don't! I can't stand him!" I argued, my heart racing and hurting. I began to ask MYSELF... Do I?

He laughed, "Right, right. Anyway so-" He began, but we were interrupted by a voice, "Isshiki?!" 

My heart went from hurting for unknown reasons to fear. My stomach turned and everything froze.

"Go, hurry. You'll get in trouble." Sai said.

I quickly exited his room, horrified of how Dare was going to take it. He was at the end of the hall at my room. He turned to me and anger lit up in his eyes as he stormed over.

"What were you doing in Sai's room?!" He asked, practically yelling.

"Talking." I said simply.

"About what?" He asked.

"That's none of your business." I said.

My heartbeat spiked as his hand went up, my body flinching seconds before his hand made contact with my cheek.

My face stung and burned with the horrible pain of the slap. 

"Don't go in there again. If I catch you in ANYONE'S room other than yours, you're moving into my room. Understood?" He asked.

I glanced down, my throat knotting up. He hit me...

"Understood?!" He asked again.

"Yeah..." I said.

"Say it." 

"Understood." I said, my voice shaking. I just got hit... By my used-to-be friend. He hit me...

I took a deep breath as he began walking away, "We're eating breakfast. Go put on something decent. Make yourself look good." He said.


I stood in my bathroom, lightly touching my cheek with a huge red hand mark on it. After getting dressed, and erasing my tears from my eyes, I decided.

As soon as Shimazu got better, we were running away. I had no family to protect. Kujo was nowhere to be seen, and strong. Plus, I hadn't seen my parents in years. Shimazu had his sister, and he could run back to protect her. 

If I could get a hold of my sword, I'd kill Dare. Or at least hurt him enough so he couldn't do anything. 

Am I trying to be a hero again? 

The question troubled me, of course, because I didn't know the answer. I didn't know a lot of things, and it just now started getting to me.

I sighed, adjusting my dress jacket in the mirror, just get through this few months... You've been here for years. A few months won't be too bad, right? Just do as Dare says, and as soon as Shimazu gets better... Run.

*Author's Note*

This chapter wasn't the nicest of chapters I've written. Gomen! (Sorry). Actually, the next several chapters probably won't be very nice. I hope you enjoy them, though.

Thank you very much for reading, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

~Angel Lynn~

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