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MemeQueen: wassup bitches

Daddy: kid watch yo lingo

McFreakinLoseit: yo

EmoKitty: aye

DoritoMan: suppp

EmoKitty: wat y'all doin

DoritoMan: ....Keith..... your Texan is showing

EmoKitty: fuck yOu Lance

Daddy: LanGuAge TherE arE chiLdren neAr

MemeQueen: yea you

EmoKitty: I told them you were born on a leap year

Daddy: how could you! I feel so betrayed! 😥

EmoKitty: easy

EmoKitty: I told them like this: "hey did you guys no Shiro was born on a leap year?"

McFreakinLoseit: it's true I was there

Daddy: how could you Keith I told you that in confidence

EmoKitty: >:3 oops

EmoKitty: mai bad

Daddy: you don't sound very sorry

EmoKitty: that's cause I'm not

DoritoMan: damnnn. SaVaGE!

MemeQueen: sHoOK

McFreakinLoseit: apply ice to the recently b u r n e d  area

EmoKitty: is it...

DoritoMan: ?¿?

Daddy: oh god Keith plz don't

EmoKitty: bOneLeSs

DoritoMan: AHHHH

MemeQueen: AHHHHH

McFreakinLoseit: AHHHHHH

McFreakinLoseit: Keith's mcfreakin lost it

[DoritoMan left chat]

Daddy: are you proud of what you've done

EmoKitty: yep

Daddy: why

EmoKitty: cause imma bout to get laid

Daddy: nO  yu bettr not

EmoKitty: >:3

McFreakinLoseit: hey where did Lance go

MemeQueen: yea he just ran outta the room

[EmoKitty left chat]

Daddy: fuck

[Daddy left chat]

MemeQueen: fuck

McFreakinLoseit: fucK

[MemeQueen left chat]

[McFreakinLoseit left chat]

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