Chapter Twenty Two

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Leo was crushing again. And there's no stopping it.

We were at dinner. The table rule revoked. And we had two new demigods here. They got here a few days ago, but they passed out and woke up today. They seemed to know Nico and Percy. Which made sense. Nico and Percy brought them here.

"They're Percy's friends," I broke it to Leo. "Probably from school. Sorry, man. But they're probably straighter than a pole."

"And I have bent many poles." My best friend informed me. "You're just unbendable."

"Good luck bending them."

As I said that, one of the guys pointed over at us, and I heard what Percy told them.

"Those five?" Percy asked and they nodded their heads. "That's Jason Grace. Son of Jupiter, Praetor of Camp Jupiter, and he serves on the Greek Council for Zeus. His girlfriend is next to him. Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite. She's the councilor of her cabin. Across from her is Hazel Levesque, she's the daughter of Pluto and isn't on the council at all. Her boyfriend is Frank Zang. Son of Mars, he's the other Praetor of Camp Jupiter, and when Clarisse is gone, he's the councilor of the Ares cabin. The one standing is Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus. Councilor of his cabin."

Leo did his job, and mocked the son of Poseidon. Advancing to getting a boyfriend.


"Nico di Angelo," I said as I walked over to their table. "Son of Hades and the scariest motherfucker at Camp Half-Blood with his boyfriend, Percy Jackson. Son of Poseidon, and another scary motherfucker who didn't care to tell us about his relationship."

"Yeah, Annabeth did it for me." Percy mouthed off right back to me. "What do you want, Valdez?"

"We have new demigods," I told the two scariest demigods at camp aside maybe Clarisse. "Isn't it my job to annoy the shit out them? It's Nico's to scare them. And he isn't doing a very good job."

"Are you always this talkative?" The one I thankfully didn't already have a crush on asked me, sounding annoyed.

"I could go on for days and you'd love it."

I sat down at the end of the table and Percy knew my plan. He knew I was going to annoy the one guy so he could meet new people.

And it worked. He left. Got annoyed of my talking and left. His name was Patrick. I liked Alex. He was a swimmer. Well, they both were. But I liked Alex. He had the looks and he had the personality.

Daddy liked.

Alex cut me off in the middle of one of my rants that I'm on 99% of the time.

I have a lot to say.

"I'm sorry," he cut me off like he was trying to catch up with what I was saying. "But are you gay?"

"Nah, man," I told him. "I dig it either way. I'm honest about it, unlike these pieces of shit."

"Hey," Nico told me. "To be fair, Jason found out by accident and everyone else found out at the same time."

I looked at Percy.

"Middle school ruined me, dude." Percy excused himself. "Put the fear of God's in me. He found out by going through my phone after I broke up with Annabeth. Kids are assholes, man. You know this."

Alex looked at me for a minute, seeming a little confused.

"What's your last name again?"

I looked at him, confused as to why he'd need to know it.

"Valdez." I told him. "Leo Valdez."

"So that's how I know your name!"

I shut up and listened to somebody else for once. Because I don't recall knowing an Alex. Ever.

I remember Alexander. But not Alex.

"What?" I asked.

"When we were really little." Alex explained, as if he recalled something. "We went to school together, we did like everything together. We... I mean I was a year older. It was like all the way through 2nd grade, for me it was 3rd. Your mom always food before she had to go to the shop. Esperanza, right? I moved after 2nd grade, though. We moved to New York. You stopped responding to letters. What happened?"


This was my childhood best friend.


He didn't know my mom died.

"What happened?" I asked, kind of scared now. That was weird that were both demigods and like... I mean, Daddy still like. Daddy always liked.

But it's been a long time.

"Well," I explained as Percy and Nico joined the others, despite Hazel's requests for Nico not to. "I was at the shop with my mom. And kind of started on fire. And my mom died, so I was moved out and I jumped around a lot. I didn't like most of my foster families or the schools they sent me to. Until I met Jason and Piper and Annabeth found us and brought us here. I didn't even think about the fact that you live in New York, it's been hectic here. And it's only my second year here. How Percy can manage 6, I don't..."

"It's nice here." I assured him. "The people are really nice and if you just ignore the gods, life isn't half bad here."

Thinking about that, Alex nodded his head and finished off his dinner. he seemed to have done good without me. He made a good friend, at least. Percy can be scary. I'm terrified of him just because I know he's powerful. But he's really nice, and I hear that he's even nicer if care to really get to know him.

I don't know, that's what Annabeth told me.

"I guess I'm shocked." Alex told me. "I mean, you're here. And that's amazing. But how the fuck do all your friends have a girlfriend or boyfriend and you don't?"

"Because," I told him and flipped my curly hair that really can't he flipped. "They can't handle my awesomeness."

"And you haven't changed."

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