Chapter Seventeen

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I wasn't thinking, okay? Paul was gone now and I missed Poseidon. I missed him being here and just being the charm that he is. We haven't really had a conversation since... Since before Percy was born. The day he had to leave, because Zeus was threatening both of us.

So I missed him.

I married Gabe to keep Percy safe. I felt nothing for him. Nothing.

And Paul came along and he was nice and I thought that he'd be amazing. But he didn't want anything to do with Percy. And he just... He got mad when I found out I was ot pregnant. but I refuse to abort. Other woman can, I don't care. But ai don't want to.

I just stayed with him so I wasn't always lonely. Percy wasn't home much because of Camp. I got lonely before he moved in.

But now Poseidon's here and he seems like he still wants to be with me. I just don't know how Percy would take that.

It's not like they get along.

When I woke up the next morning, I freaked out a little bit because I realized that Percy was home, assuming he didn't leave in the middle of the night, and he might have seen Poseidon here. With me...

Again, I don't think he'd take that very well.

Poseidon must've been able to sense something, because he woke up and looked over at me. Telling me to calm down, Poseidon rubbed my back a little.

"Percy's home." I told him.

"I know," he assured me, his touch beginning to soothe me. Relax me. "this isn't going to kill him, Sally. It was one—'

"You know just as much as I do," I informed the god. "That this isn't just going to be one night."

"Either way," he corrected himself. "This won't kill him."


I was freaking out.

Because not only was my mom back.

But she wasn't sleeping with Paul. No, gods forbid that.

She was sleeping with my dad.

And I had no idea what to think about it. Because I don't really like my dad. I could learn to. There was just never a reason to. He wasn't around enough as it was.

This could be a one night stand sort of thing. I got a text from Patrick about Paul leaving Mom. Back with his ex wife.

So it could be that, or it could last.

And I know my mom has been waiting for him to just come back again. Ever since I was little, she's been waiting. Never let it down. That's probably a reason as to why Paul would've left.

I never thought it'd happen again.

But here we are.

They slept together.

Gods know what else they did.

But I was nice, and decided to breakfast for everyone. It was raining outside, otherwise I'd order Chinese. It's a weird tradition in our house. When somebody new moves in, our first meal is Chinese.

Then again, Dad might not move in. But I got a call from Tyson, right around 7.

"Hey, Tyson," I said as I answered the phone, putting some rolls in the oven to bake. "What's up?"

"So, you probably won't know." My brother started off. "But do you know where Daddy is? He left to get dinner last night for us, and he never came home. We made dinner at like 9, he left at 7."

"I uh..." I answered. "I actually do know where Dad is."

"You do?" He got excited, as they probably got worried about him. "Where is he?"

"He's at my mom's apartment." I told Tyson. "Sleeping. I'm making breakfast if you want to swing by."


He was here within five minutes, and I told him that Dad was still sleeping with my mom, and Nico was still passed out on the couch.

Neither of us have slept in a week.

I used to go a month.

And apparently Nico scares my brother. Because at first, he didn't notice my boyfriend. But when Nico got up and was going to change and he walked over by us, Tyson tried hiding behind me. And he... He can't do that.

"Tyson?" I asked. "Tyson, Nico won't hurt you. He's nice."


"I promise."


He came out and the three of us had breakfast together.

It was maybe half way through breakfast went Nico realized that Tyson was being really quiet. Something that isn't like him.

"Tyson," the son of Hades remarked. "Why are you afraid of me?"

"You do scary things."

"Like what?"

"Like skeleton army and ground holes and stuff."

Nico rolled his eyes and promised Tyson that the only time he did that stuff was when I did stuff like cause tsunamis and destroy schools.

"He does that a lot."

"I did it twice!"


I ended up awake before Sally, and it was around 8:30. I smelled food, and I was hungry.

So I headed to the kitchen, and there were two plates of food with a note.

Mom & Dad:
Tyson, Nico, and I already ate breakfast. You'll probably have to heat yours up. Tyson went home, Nico and I went back to bed. Maria is dropping Susan off at 10:30 on her way to work.
Also Dad, please don't get Mom pregnant. We already don't sleep between Susan and I.

Got it.

So I won't sleep anymore.

I heated up my breakfast, and it wasn't too much longer before Sally came out and heated here up, and joined me. It was kind of rainy outside, I doubt we'd do too much today. She seemed to be in a better mood, though.

The next few days seems to go by nicely. Sally and I went on another date, Percy didn't hate me anymore, and Susan slept through the night once.

When I got home from an interview, though, Sally was sort of freaking out. Percy was at school.

"Hey, Sally, honey," I remarked, walking over to her and putting my hands on her shoulder. "Relax. Breathe."

She stopped and took a breath, looking at me. Looking a little worried, also.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"I'm pregnant."

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