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If a man wants you,nothing can keep
Him away
If he doesn't want you nothing can
Make him stay
Remember that.
*hey,what's up Donald*
*tell the guy who came to pick you from the airport to better bring home you right now*Donald said

*calm yourself Donald he his a gentle man*
*i am over here at your house and i am not seeing you,he doesn't get to see you first babe*
*calm your nerves Donald,stop acting like that,I'll be with you shortly*grace ended the call rather abruptly,

August turned off the music saying
*i guess you have to go*august said
Walking towards grace,
*i did enjoy the breakfast tho*
*you don't say*august said
Smiling as he took the plates from the table and into the kitchen,

*you should take it as a compliment*
Grace said
*i am taking it as more than that coming from you*august said
Dropping the plates in the sink

As he walked back his flip flops slippers seemed to like the floor,as it made sounds

With the car keys in his hands he gestured towards grace,
*shall we*
*yes*grace replied
As she headed for the door.

The Lamborghini came to a stop on grace's drive way
*you sure I should drop you off here*august asked
Facing grace,
*look*she pointed
Towards a black Range Rover sport that was in front with mark standing at the back of the car,
August opened the door of the car for grace to get down
*thank you august*grace said
*what about my request*august asked
Grace stared at him before answering,
*guess you'll have to wait*grace said
*i guess I will *august said
Grace peeked him and walked over to the Range Rover

Her bags had already been taken inside already
Grace got into the Range Rover and it started moving towards her house slowly

August smiled as he pulled out of the driveway
His game was gradually falling into place

Grace got out of the car to see Donald at the steps leading to the main door of her house
*look who is here*grace said
Shading her eyes from the rays coming from the sun ,
Donald fixed her eyes on grace who climbed up towards her
*you are looking good*grace said
Gesturing towards Donald
*did you experience a gruesome attack*grace asked
* you kept me waiting*Donald said
*who are you not to be kept waiting,I keep my clients waiting*grace said
*i am not one of your client grace *Donald said
*then stop acting like a child and get into the house the sun is killing me*grace said
As she walked into the house dragging Donald along as she entered the house,getting into the house grace stopped at the entrance and inhaled deeply,
*i miss you baby*grace said
*are you referring to me *Donald asked
*no Donald get your head out of the clouds am talking about my house,not you *grace said
*and what smells so good*
Turning back to Donald whose eye brows were standing,
*you weren't polite enough so it's more of lunch than a surprise breakfast*Donald said
Walking pass grace and into the dinning room which was inside the kitchen that was awfully massive,
The dinning table was filled with all kind of dishes
macaroni and cheese,London broil,fried chicken and  tex mex with a bottle of white wine,

Grace walked towards the chair at the head of the dinning table and sat on it,

*take the wine away*grace said to Martha
The head cook who was standing there
*uh,I appreciate Donald but I really won't eat much you should know *grace said
*oh,you will*Donald said
Taking a seat beside grace

The foods were dished bit by bit and Donald made them add more on grace's plate

*With the grout salad so better start eating most part of these are not planned to be wasted*

*it's nice Martha*grace complemented
*thank you miss grace*martha replied
*always the best from you Martha,wouldn't expect any less*grace said

Over the food that she chewed gently and slowly

GRACE [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now