Chapter 8

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Doctor Morson opens the door without invitation, standing skeptically in the doorway with a hidden glare set on his face. Mr. Reno's eyes avoid me - catching the solid hazel ones of the doctor. The air is stiff as I wait for one of them to speak. I feel an odd chill rake over my entirety, as if the hallway outside of Mr. Reno's office is colder than the area inside.

"She's mine right now" Mr. Reno observes the watch on his wrist quickly before catching the doctors eye once more. A secret staring contest plays between them - neither of them daring to blink.

"I need her early" Doctor Morson croaks with his fumbling voice. A slight whistle escapes through his chipped front tooth at the end of his sentence. I stare at his mouth unintentionally - wondering silently how he ended up with a chip missing.

Doctor Morson has always been a mystery to me. I hold an indescribable dislike towards him, and when asked why, I have no evidence to provide a reason.  Something about his character, the way he seems so hidden and sort of evil, while at the same time appearing sophisticated and well liked by all staff. I suppose once I'm done helping him with whatever projects he has planned I'll be able to properly judge his nature. 

"But I'm not finished with her" Mr. Reno remarks back, his jaw clenched and I fear that the events of yesterday will play out once again. Although slightly frightened, I feel annoyed as I watch them banter back and forth like children fighting over a toy. I am not an object that they can just claim when they want - I don't like having the ability to reference myself as an inanimate object.


"That was weird.." I state quietly as Doctor Morson walks at a quicker pace than me to ensure his control. After a few more awkward staring contests and relentless bickering I had excused myself from Mr. Reno and decided to take my chances with the doctor. I don't want to really be with either of them, but I am extremely against Mr. Reno's character right now.

Doctor Morson remains silent, his hazel eyes connected to the space ahead of us as if nothing else could be seen. The lovely hollers from across the hall are my constant alarm clock, reminding me endlessly of the enticing place I have to call home. They work wonderfully in the morning when all I want to do is get a peaceful sleep. I laugh quietly to myself at my own sarcastic thoughts.

We pass the mystery room I had come across on the first day Harry had arrived - the one I wanted so desperately to explore. Everything would be so much easier if I could assist myself, I don't need guards to escort me everywhere I go. The door is once again open, slightly wider than before. I take a quick peak of what I can see, stopping my feet from moving so I can get a better look. 

I observe Doctor Morson momentarily - watching as his feet continue to click against the pavement, my absence of movement going unseen by him. My eyes dart between this old man and the newly opened door. My brain tries constantly to regenerate my legs into following the doctor as I try to convince myself that that's exactly what I need to do. Unfortunately, my denial against the rules of this institution and my on growing curiosity overpower my urges to do the right thing. 

I dash across the short hallway as quietly as possible, keeping my eyes glued on Doctor Morson in case he decides to suddenly hear the lack of echoing footsteps behind him. Once I reach the door to the undiscovered room I feel as though I have accomplished something - I actually achieved something. I reward myself with a heavy sigh of relief and a warm smile that feels good to express. 

It takes me a moment to realize that I am doing something extremely against the wardens rules - something I would be surely be punished for. In order to make that not happen I just need to silently explore before heading to the doctors laboratory with a lame excuse of how I got lost.

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