Chapter 17

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A guard had been waiting as soon as I exited the room, causing my hope of wandering alone to diminish. He escorted me silently to the kitchen where Harry had been forced to volunteer for the day. The look of confusion on his face when the guard asked for him to follow us was painful, knowing that he was probably worried that we were in trouble again. 

"Where are we going?" Harry asked once in the hallway. I opened my mouth to respond but the strict postured guard beat me to it.

"You're needed elsewhere."

Harry flashed me a questioning gaze and all I could do was give him a reassuring smile.

The Doctor seemed just as frustrated when we arrived back, however seeing Harry seemed to ease his mood. He welcomed Harry warm-fully, much to my confusion, and began to explain the situation. 

Apparently, the wiring on the electric chair was unfix-able and every time the Doctor decided to wire it differently it never wanted to comply. I had known the chair was not cooperating with him, having spent far too many hours listening to him curse the machine out, but I was still not aware as to why it wasn't working. Not that I was exactly complaining. 

The chair was a horrendous idea and so was the concept that frying someones brain would somehow help them. I suppose they hoped after messing with a persons head it would rewire itself back to normal. Unfortunately, all they were going to get was an even dumber patient with an insane headache. 

I knew as soon as the machine was fixed Miss Tallen would have its effectiveness tested. There were many stories Dr Morson had unintentionally shared during his frustration about her eagerness to use it. She had a lot to learn about punishments and the ineffectiveness of harsh treatment.

I watched for the longest time as Harry and Doctor Morson went through the possible options of the miss wiring. I didn't see why they needed me in the room, I didn't have anything better to do, and sitting here was boring me out of my mind. 

Watching Harry was some what entertaining, but I preferred when his focus was actually aimed at me. When I'm just watching him from afar I can't express how cute his dimples look or how the misplacement of his hair was making me swoon. I don't think I would ever actually have the courage to say those things but the different comments I could make circled through my mind.

It was about three hours until Doctor Morson told us we could leave. He had enough with the chair for today but requested Harry's assistance once again next time. The thought enlightened me because at least I wouldn't have to go through with seeing the Doctor myself.

"I know what's wrong with that chair" Harry whispered in a snicker as soon as we left the room. I turn to him in shock, unable to contain the half smile on my face. 

"Why didn't you tell him?" I question with a small giggle. Two guards were making their way towards us from down the hall, our chauffeurs.

"Because that machine is deadly, it's obvious that if they fix it they'll only use it against us. If I can keep myself from getting fried for a while then I will" He spoke freely as we started to walk away from the door. The two guards quickened their pace, expecting us to bolt.

"So what is wrong with it? I swear he's gone through every sort of wiring there is" I state and question with humour in my tone. 

"He has the wires correct half the time but at least two of them have been ripped near where they're connected so they no longer pass the energy to the chair. I'm surprised he hasn't been shocked by them yet" He smiles at his knowledge, obviously very proud of himself.

"Were you a mechanic before this?" I pry, very curious about his past. 

"I did some mechanics before this, yeah" He shrugs and I add that to the background knowledge of Harry already in my mind. Sadly the information I have is very limited.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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