Chapter 12

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Autumn POV.

My morning started as hectic as usual as I followed the routine I had been forced to partake in everyday since I got here. Breakfast was terrible and it seemed that the cooks downgraded their recipe every time we ate. The food was cold and hardly defrosted and I swear there was mold on some of it. Despite the traitorous food, I forced it down as best I could to prevent starvation.

Luckily, I was rewarded with a shower afterwards, something I badly needed and always liked having. Shower times never seem to follow a routine schedule, which makes my dislike towards feeling dirty very unfortunate. The shower wasn't nearly as long as I would have enjoyed but I indulged in the feeling of cleanliness as the water replenished every inch of me. I was even rewarded with a fresh jumper when met after my washing.

Mr. Reno was waiting outside of his office when I showed up; a clipboard in his hand extended towards me. I took it without a word and slipped passed him to get inside his room. I have spoken to him since the incident. Though it's never very voluntarily and the conversation doesn't ends in smiles and happy faces. However, I've gotten used to assisting him and I think the patients have as well. Sometimes I can tell Mr. Reno gets a little irritated that his patients would rather confide in me. I understand their reasoning for preferring to talk to me. Who wants to be interrogated by an oblivious fool?

After my service with Mr. Reno I was escorted to the cafeteria for lunch. Unlike most days where the room is filled with hushed arrays of muttered nonsense, we entered the cafeteria and met a war zone. More than one of my fellow inmates had decided to wreak havoc today, redecorating the lunch room how they saw fit. Tables were flipped and out of place, trays lay face down scattering the floor, and all inmates not involved in the commotion stood by to cheer.

My guards were quick to pull me aside and place me in a preserved spot where I would wait for further instruction. Some patients had already been rounded up and placed behind me in a singular file line.

Harry was in a line up beside me waiting for his guards to find him and take him to his cell. It was standard protocol with events like this where we would be held for no limited amount of time. His glances towards me were persistent and I could tell he had something to say but with everyone around he wouldn't be able to speak. Without a word his hand stretched out towards me, a small piece of paper folded between his fingers. No patients, or guards for that matter, took any notice to our small exchange. With greedy fingers I gripped the paper and eagerly opened it. I didn't even have time to question how he managed to get a piece of paper and something to write on before I was pulled into his line. 

No one around us noticed, they were too hung up on the anxiety set inside them. I looked up at Harry before glancing down at the scribbled writing on the paper.

"I didn't know if I'd get to speak to you so I just wrote it down" Harry explained as to why a description of that small room we had found was written across the note. 

"What is this about?" I held it up, not fully understanding the intention behind the letter. By now guards were finishing up with their conversations and I could tell they were ready to start pulling patients away. I had no time to process his actions before Harry held a firm grip on my arm and pulled me away from everyone else. Luckily our line was hidden in the back of the room which gave us an easy get away without any guards noticing. 

In a normal situation the halls would be loitered with guards. However, this situation with the announcement of the lunch room incident apparently needed all hands on deck. It was a strange sight leaving the cafeteria. I'm not used to the halls being so drowned out and empty. 

Harry guided us towards our secret room, as if he had already memorized the exact location and every route that could be taken to get there. I was still extremely confused at to why he seemed so eager to get away and talk to me. It seemed like more than just wanting to get away from being locked in a room for the rest of the day.

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