Chapter 13

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Calum - Well Ross said I should bring materials to decorate this place

Laura - Ross? Why? We arent even that close yet.

Ross - We are gonna be!

Laura - Whut?

Ross - I wanna be friends with you! (:

Calum - This is awkward! ** says it in a High tune **

Laura - Why?

Ross - Because you make good songs and I really wanna be your partner or friend!

Laura - Aw alright! You know what its time. You better go now!

Ross - Why? We haven't written a new song!

Laura - You know what we have timeless and when your done with it! We can write a new song!

Ross - Um ok! Why are you in a hurry?

Laura - ** speaks fast ** because my dad's coming home and I haven't cook for him yet and You haven't done your homework! Ok bye now! ** shuts the door and goes to the kitchen and cooks **

** the door bell rings **

Damiano - ** walks in **Laura did you already cook my food?

Laura - Wait!!! ** after 2 minutes ** done dad!

Damiano - Alright im starving! ** eats ** Laura want some?

Laura - No thanks dad! ☺M

( next day )

Laura - ** goes to school **

Raini - ** went out of the school bus and saw Laura ** Laura!

Laura - What?

Raini - So... How was the life with Ross?

( walking while talking )

Laura - Why life?

Raini - Ugh, Anyways what class do we go to?

Laura - Math class..... Dont you know the schedule? What Mr. Angelo say to you?

Raini - Raini wake up you're dreaming again?

Laura - Noo! Did you listen to the schedule? I bet you didnt so its your fault

Raini - Its not my fault I didnt get some rest! Cause of homework!

Laura - ** putting things on her locker while talking ** Fine heres the schedule ** writes the schedule and gives it to Raini ** Keep it, this schedule is for 2 and a half months!

Raini - 2 and a half months?!

Laura - Yeah, you werent even listening! This time you have to!

( bell rings )

Raini - ** walks **

Laura - Wait! Let me just get my math book and my notebooks!

Raini - Wow, those are.....

Laura - What?! I dont have many books!

Raini - No I meant the shoes!

Laura - Oh yeah... Its new!

Raini - You know its should be PE uniform!

Laura - Yeah this is what im gonna use!

Raini - Why?! Its too nice 😍

Laura - Alright, Alright enough we dont want teacher to be angry!

( after class )

Mr. Wilson - Alright kids! Eat alot! Have your lunch. Good day Class!

Raini and Laura - ** gets out of the room and walks while talking **

Raini - Im REALLY Freaking out!

Laura - Why? Come on lets go to my lockers.

Raini - Sure. Ummm because my friend is friend's with a famous guy!!

Laura - Ugh, Stop talking about it Kira might hear it and thinks that we are showing off and she might post it at her blog and Ross might see that and he cou-

Raini - Alright , Alright lets just get our lunch money and eat!

Laura and Raini - ** goes to the canteen **

Laura - Ugh! Its full again!

Raini - Unless Ross calls you again 😏

Laura - I told you to stop!

Raini - Ok! I guess we have to sit in the dirtiest of the dirtiest tables!

Laura - Its not that dirty ok! Or maybe we could just sit at the benches?

Raini - Ugh they put sand in my shoes!

Laura - Not in that place! There! ** points to the seat **

Raini - Quick! Someone's taking it!

Laura - **Runs as fast she could**

Kira - Wow! This is our seat ok?! NOW GET OUTTA HERE!

Laura - Why dont you give chances to people?! Huh?!

Kira - Because Its for me and my friends! Okay?!

Laura - Its not yours its the schools!

Kira - I know! But we touched it first so its ours!

Laura - No you didnt ! You always sit here! And you ate already so you dont need it!

Kira - This is our Place ALWAYS!

Laura - I just said it was the school's!

Canteen Lady - Wowowowow!? What is happening in here?!

Kira - This STINKY girl wont move ! Cause we stayed here first!

Canteen Lady - Laura.. Sorry they got it first!

Laura - For your information! IM NOT STINKY. And! I got this first! They sit here everyday! Cant I get a chance?

Canteen Lady - Why not you guys share seats?

Laura and Kira - NO!

Canteen Lady - Why?!

Kira - She is SO my arch - Enemy!

( Ross Passes by )

Kira - Oh theres the VERY famous Ross! Maybe he can help! ROSS!

Ross - Um yes? Do i know you?


Laura - See he doesnt even know you!

Kira - Ross, Who do you think should sit here?

Calum - Oh hey Buddy! Oh yah Kira! Um what does that have to do with him?


Ross - Um. Oh hey Laura! ** waves his hand **

Laura - Hey ** waves her hand **

Kira - ** gets jealous **

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