Chapter 16

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Laura - ** gets out and goes to Raini ** What do you think? Will Ross go to school?

Raini - I think so...... By the way! You're available!

Laura - Available?

Raini - Available for Ross!

Laura - What?!

Raini - Did you hear the news?

Laura - Yes...

Raini - Ross likes girls with Ombre hair, makes songs and loves music too!

Laura - I do have! But im sure we're just friends!!

Raini - Come on Laura! I think he was describing you!

Laura - He was? 😲

Raini - Yes!!

Laura - He was ? 😲

Raini - Yes!!

Laura - You know there are people like Me😕

Raini - Oh yah! 😞 BUT IM SURE ITS YOU! 😃

Laura - Can we change the topic?

Raini - Why youre starting to like him? 😏


Raini - Sorry..., Sorry. Come on Youre my bestest friend EVER! Among all!

Laura - I know that but, I told you already!

Raini - That you said yes?

Laura - No!

Raini - Want to make a deal?

Laura - What deal?

Raini - If I say my crush, Tell the truth that you like Ross.

Laura - For the last time im his friend and a fan!

Raini - Come on! Please!

Laura - I told you already! 😕

( At School )

Raini - Guess what?!

Laura - What???

Raini - I have a schedule!!

Laura - Finally! Then What's the next class ?

Raini - ** looks at her paper ** Umm I didnt copy the first one 😁

Laura - Haha! I bet Ross is better at being responsible than you!

Raini - 😏

Laura - Whut?? We've talked about it already! Anyways the first class is Language! Lets go! We're late!!

( In class )

Laura - Sorry Mr. Angelo!

Mr. Angelo - Ms. Marano! For the first time!

Laura - Sorry sir.....

Ross - ** whispers ** Laura I have a seat next to me!!

Laura - ** looks at Ross weirdly ** Um ok....

Raini - ** Looks at Laura like this -> 😏 **

( after class )

Laura - Raini,....

Raini - Yea?

Laura - Today is a Weird day...

Raini - Why?

Laura - ** puts her books in her locker while asking ** Because usually Ross sits with Calum or He reserves seats for Calum..

Raini - Told you! He might like you!

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