Chapter 19

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Raini and I went out.

" Laura Im so sorry for being angry at you I just thought of something " Raini said.

" It's Okay (: " i said then smiled.

We walked to class. I sat on my chair.

" Class! Um Mr. Axel changed the schedule of the Prom and made it to this Saturday!" Mr. Angelo said. " Anyway! Today we are gonna talk about Chemistry! Our New Topic! " ( A/N : Mr. Axel is the Principal )

Ahhhhhhh! What?! I havent think about the lyrics yet! And today's Thrusday! Okay! Ill start working on it later.

After Classes

I went to the Waiting Area. I sat and put my bag on the chair. Raini sat beside me.

" So did you think if some lyrics already? " Raini said

I got my pencil and Songbook.

" Nope! " I said and start to write.

" Oh! Good Luck! Im gonna go and buy some food. " Raini said and started to walk to the canteen.

" Buy Me Some Too!!!!!! " I shouted

I started to write. After A while raini came here bringing chips. She sat next to me. She gave me the chips and i got some.

" So how's your lyrics? " she asked while chewing.

" Dont Chew while talking! " I said while writing.

She swallowed " Im Sorry, How's it? " She said

" I dont know?! Read it! '' I said . Then I gave my songbook to her.

" I've Been wishing for Somethin Missin To Fill This Empty Space, To Show the person behind the curtain, So you'll understand" Raini said

" Just Read It in your mind! " I said

Raini reads.

" Wow! Its actually nice! " Raini said

" Thanks! " I said.

" By the way my mom called me and she said that I will sleep at your house for a week cause my mom and my dad will go on a honeymoon because its their 36th- " Raini said

" Okay Okay! I get it! " I said

Then suddenly mom's car Beeps.

" Lets Go! " i said

We got our bags and went inside my mom's car.

" Hi Ms. Marano! " Raini said

" Oh Hey Raini! Your Mom said that youre gonna sleep in our house for a week then your mom brought your clothes to our house already! " Mom said

" Oh Okay! Mom already told me! " Raini said, happily.

At Home

I went to my room with Raini she removed her shoes and jumped to my bed.

" Raini! Put your shoes outside of my Room! " I said

" Okay Sorry Sorry! " Raini said and Put her shoes out.

Raini sits on my spinning chair.And she spins.

" Laura Sing the song now! " Raini said while spinning.

" Wait." I just have to finish the last verse. " I said while writing. " And Done! "

" Okay Sing It!" Raini said " Here's Your Keyboard " Raini gave my keyboard.

" I've Been Wishin' for Something Missin'

To Fill This Empty Space

To Show the Person Behind The Curtain

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