Chapter 21

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Ross' POV:

Her voice sounds different tho..
ugh, i dont know how to say it but...

Laura's POV:
When i performed, I thought ... I had no stage fright!
After the song i walked down the stage and i said "ahh! Did you guys like it?"

Raini stood up and screamed "Omg that was super great! now you don't have stage fright! you can do anything!" she hugged me while jumping.
i hugged her back.

Then Ross stood up and said "Congratulations!?" and just shook my hand. oh well, lol. then i ran over to Calum. "well, congratulations!!!" he screamed and hugged me too.

Then suddenly, Mr. Robert came and said "uh, Laura,Calum, This isn't graduation yet! anyways congrats! bye!"

i laughed.

Ross' POV:

Laura seems even happier with Calum without me... I looked back at Jennifer. She signaled me to come to her. but i had to choose. Well Laura is still talking to Calum and Raini, so, i went to Jennifer for awhile

Laura's POV:

While I was talking to Calum and Raini, I noticed that Ross just went away. Did i make him lonely? just because i didn't talk to him?
"Guys, I'll just get some drinks, do you guys want any?", "nope." Raini said. "sure" Calum said. "Calum you're not a gentleman" Raini said to Calum.
"haha that's okay Calum, i will just get the drinks, anyways, i'll just go get now" i said with a smile.
P.S. i went there to talk to Ross? okay, so then i got drinks, but when i turned around, Ross was facing me.
"Hey!" i said awkwardly.
"what's up?" he said with a smile
"um, i was wondering, why did you go away & not talk to us?" i asked calmly.
"nope, well i mean that. well its hard to explain but Jennifer called me" Ross said. "Well if i ignored you, I'm sorry. And if you have any Problems, i'm just here" i said with a smile, i walked back to the table.

[next day]

(A/N its a weekend.)

"laura!! wake up!! its past 10 AM!!" my mom said shaking me. "what mom? cant i sleep more? since i went to prom." i said sleepily. "Just wake up during Lunch time, If you dont, you're grounded!" she said while going out the door. Instead of sleeping, i decided to get out of bed. I took a bath and dressed up, I sat on my bed, got my phone and texted Ross, Calum & Raini on our groupchat.


Laura: What's up guys?
Raini: fine
Ross: Hey Guys!
Calum: whaduuuuup?!
Raini: i git tired on my favorite job and Laura im not in our house, i'm at the car, so i cant go to your house :(
Laura: aw, it's okay :)
Raini: let's skype haha
Laura: Sure! Yay! :D
Calum: uh, hello guys? Ross & I exist!!
Ross: yeah haha :/
Laura: Sorry! you weren't talking we thought you guys were "offline" haha.

but no one answered instead, Ross, just private messaged me.


Ross: Hey
Laura: Hey..
Ross: ...I would just like to say


(A/N): cliff hanger!! hey guys! i am so sorry for not updating my story for over like a month. i just write my ideas in my notebook and i transfer it here. but read the next chapter to know what he says!! thank you :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2014 ⏰

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