Chapter 18

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The Next Day

I Woke Up. And something went in my head. That Ryan is coming so! Wait! Why am I even excited?! Oh Well.... Should I stay with him as friends? I bet Raini is still sick... Oh well.

I went outside and started to walk going to school. Raini came out of her door. And I stopped.

" Laura!!!! Great News! Im not sick anymore!" Raini said, shouting.

" Great! I don't wanna be a loner again!

By the way theres gonna be a new guy today and he's name is Ryan! And The prom is coming. And I got mad at Ross yesterday....." I said. And we started to walk going to school.

" Whaaat?! Why did you get angry at him?!" Raini said and she got angry.

" I don't know?! I think I got jealous... "

I said, quietly

" Aw, Thats Okay! Ryan is coming anyway and you might like him!

I guess...." Raini said " Haha! Am I crazy?!"

" Nope " I said

At School

Raini and I went inside School. And Into our Classroom. I sat on my seat. And a guy came in which is Ryan!

" Oh! Here is our new student! Ryan! May you tell your classmates about yourself... " Mr. Angelo says, pointing at Ryan.

" Hi, My name is Ryan. Im 18. I like to play Hockey and Soccer. Thats All! " Ryan says shy

" Okay you may sit beside Laura!" Mr. Angelo says

Ryan goes to the seat beside me. I just realized how cute he was! Ok now I have to be friends with him!


I ran to Ryan and said " Hey Im Laura! Wanna eat with us! By the way the other one is Raini! "

Raini waves her hand to Ryan.

" Sure! " Ryan says

We all went to the canteen I got the food while Raini and Ryan got the seats. I went to them and Ross went to me.

" Laura! Im sorry for using you its just because your smart and you give good advices....... anyway! Help me please! I REALLY need Jennifer to be my Prom date! " He said, begging.

I sigh " Just Sing Her a Song and she will probably say yes, HAPPY NOW?! Bye " I said and walked away

Ross grabs my arm and he says " Thanks Laura! Im REALLY sorry! "

Raini runs here and removes Ross' hand from My hand. " Would ya stop already?! You're giving her more stress! WHY NOT YOU CALL A BRAIN SURGEON AND TRANSFER YOUR BRAIN TO A SMARTER ONE?! " Raini said

We went to our table.

" Wow Raini! I still cant believe you said that to your idol! Youre REALLY a BEST friend to me. Actually More! " I said, shocked.

" Nope It was food he food! But that thing too. " Raini said

After Classes

When we went all out of the door of the classroom. Raini went to me.

" Laura Im So Sorry I wanna hangout with you later. But I cant I have to go to Detention after I said the things to Ross. Well the Gossip Girls heard about it then posted it in the school website and the principal saw it " Raini said " Apperently Ryan is in there too.... "

" Well WHAT HAPPENED?! " I said

" When you were getting food. Ryan asked a bunch of kids if we could sit there then Ryan wa- UGH its hard to explain but as usual the gossip girls took a photo of Ryan hurting them but he wasnt! They were just making stories " Raini said " Gotta Go! "

" Ill wait for you! My mom said I have to go with you! " I Shouted.

I went to the waiting area. While waiting I got my songbook and I drew a guy. And I noticed it was Ryan. I said in my mind " Why did I even draw him?! Oh No!! Ok I like him! I have to get him to be my Prom Date!" I ripped the page. And threw it in the trash. Instead I wrote a song. And suddenly I remembered about when Ross and I hanged out. I smiled. But then I went back to songwriting. When I wrote one word. Raini came to me smiling.

I got my bag and ran to her. " Raini So what happened? By the way Ive chose Ryan to me my Prom Date! :D Wait I cant just ask him?! He has ask me." I said then I sighed.

Raini Pretends to smile and says " Laura, in detention Ryan asked Aleisha and she said yes.... Anyway in case if you dont have a Prom Date..... I ASKED THE PRINCIPAL TO LET YOU PERFORM IN THE PROM! " she shouted too.

" WHAT?!!?!!!! YOU KNOW I HAVE STAGE FRIGHT! " i shouted

" Ohhh. I forgot about that! Well you have to show your talent! Come

On! Please Try! Just Once! Im Your BESTEST friend " Raini said

I sigh " Fine. 😒 " i said

" Make the title The Me That You Dont See! Hmmm make it a slow song! The Principal said there are two slow songs youre first! " Raini said

And we started to walk going home.

" Thats a nice title. Ok." I said.

While walking I started to think if the tune.


" Tell Me That Im Worth It Ill prove that I deserve it and I can be!!! The me that you do see! " I sang and wrote it in my songbook.

I lyed down. And Opened the TV. And It was showing Teen Beach Movie. And Then I closed it.

The Next Day

Ross' POV:

Today is the day! The day when i ask Jennifer to be my prom date. I got my guitar and brought it to school.

At School

When I went inside school. I saw Jennifer walking with Kira. I walked to them


" Jennifer." I said.

Kira Sighs.

I sang Timeless to Jennifer. And Many people went around us.

Laura's POV:

I was late for school, again. When I went in I heard someone singing my song, Timeless. And A Bunch of people were near Kira's locker. So I went there. I peeked and It was Ross singing to Jennifer.

" Jennifer , Will You be my Promdate?" Ross said and he was so nervous.

" Yes! " Jennifer shouted and hugged Ross and Ross hugged her back.

When I went out of the crowd, i saw Raini and then I went to her. And brought her to the Janitor's Closet. Then I locked the door.

" Woah! Why was there a crowd? " Raini asked.

" Ross was asking Jennifer to be her Prom Date. And Im not sure if still dont have feelings for Ross ): " I said

" Well Thats not my problem! " Raini said and tried to open the door.

" No! "I said and grabbed her arm.

" Well then maybe you like Ryan and Ross! Now bye! " Raini told me and tried to open the door again.

" Oh! But Ive been jealous ever since she changed to Ombre hair and Likes music and makes music..... " I said.

" FOR THE LAST TIME ITS NOT MY PROBLEM!! By the way! Make your dress in the prom red! " Raini said and opened the door and left.


Sorry Guys for not updating that much! I've been losing Idea's but I have the perfect idea for the prom (: Im not sure if it is 😂😂 anyway thanks for 800+! 😘

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