Game of Thrones (self made story) chapter 3

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As we were far enough away Sansa asked "what happened there ? " we stopped walking "I don't know" "why did you came here... and what are you" "I don't know...and as I said I had a feeling..." then there was silence " we have to go to Jon!" Sansa broke the silence "why especially Jon?" I heard many stories about him and what he has done... " he is the only big brother I have left..." "where is the wall?" sansa pointed north "we are on the right way..."

-at the wall-

"We'll show this bastard!" "he's a fucking traitor he needs to die!" "Go get him" we heard three men saying... "they could mean Jon!" I thought. I heard many stories... thats why I know he's a bastard... but he has done so many good things... I knocked on the gate "hello?!" I knew it was naiv to think they would open up... but they did... and Jon stood behind it... Sansa ran into his arms... three other men stood there too "that must be the traitors..." "How did you came here?!" Jon asked surprised. Sansa pointed at me and Jon just smiled "Go inside my brothers wanted something from me" Sansa and I looked at each other " Jon..." "we'll talk later go insde" I saw one of the men sneering at me "Jon they are traitors and -" before I could even finish my sentence one of the three men stuck hin sword in my stomach. I got down on my knees... "I won't die now!" I pulled it out and threw it away. More and more men got out of their corners... now Jon was surrounded by 5 men. "sansa go inside!" sansa ran in one of the rooms and locked it. I stood up and slowly stepped closer to the men. He punched me in the face but as his fist touched me he froze... I kicked against it and it broke in 3 big pieces. I turned around and saw Jon watching me "He saw everything...." I thought. Jon killed all 4 men by himself... "Are you friendly..." he asked after a long pause "... yes..." "Go inside we will talk later" I put my hand on my wound and slowly walked inside...


I was talking to Sansa and a nice men, his name is sam and he is really whise as Jon walked i. He sat down next to Sam and looked at "what are you?" "I... I don't know.. these powers are new to me..." I said nervous... "Are you a white walker?" Jon showed no feelings... he was so serious that it was creepy... "why do you ask a little girl something like that???" sam asked upset "You weren't out there ..." "I don't know... I know nothing.... " i said sad.... after a long pause Jon asked "Do you want to fight for me...." I looked at him... I didn't knew what to say.... "ühm... I would... but I don't know how to fight..." "Sam will show you, he knows everything about magic" "I could look if I can find something to that theme..." "You'll start tomorrow. Now I will show you whereto can rest..." Jon stood up and leaded us to one of the bigger rooms. Sansa went inside as I wanted to go inside Jon said "If anything happens... just defend my sister..." "I will do everything...."

-view: Sam-

I looked for books... but there was nothing to white walkers who are half human and white walker... "thats impossible..." I thought. I grabbed to the last book "the history of magic" but there was nothing too... as I wanted to put it back in the shelf ... a little folded paper fell out. There was something written down : "When the white walkers are about to rule the world a traitor of their kind will safe us. A half human and half white walker with great powers will fight for the king... and if they will win is not sure....".

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