Bonus Chapter

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(Edited by @Sprinkle_Of_Zalfie)
Tris POV

I gave birth to my second son Logan about a year ago. Tobias was so happy that it was another boy.

Arabella and Chris were estatic about their new baby brother. But Maggie was not happy about not being the baby of the family anymore.

Arabella and Chris are seven now, Maggie is four, and Logan is one.

Christina just gave birth to another girl named Caylee. Poor Will and having to deal with four women in the house!

I have two daughters and I love them, but if I had three I would go crazy.

I'm happy with my family we have FOUR children but there are SIX of us all together. Tobias wanted two more to make it Six but I told him that there are four kids and six of all of us and he finally gave in.

Thank God!

Marlene and Uriah's daughter is two and they stoppped at one. Zeke and Shauna decided against kids because it was and I quote "To mainstream, they have eight nieces and nephews to spoil, which is plenty."

Tobias POV

I just got done with work and I'm pretty sure that Tris is home from her meeting. She picked up Maggie and Logan from day care, but I have to get the twins from Primary school. Their seven now, time has gone so fast!

I believe I'm collecting Bea, for a play date with the kids, also. I arrive there and all three come running up to me.

"Dad, Guess what we are learning in class!" Bella shouts.

"Hmm planets?" I randomly guess.

"No! We learnt about the history of the war and Chicago. Oh and the faction meanings!"

"That's cool Sweetie, lets get home, I'm sure mommy wants to hear all about it." I pick up Bella while Chris and Bea hold hands talking and walking behind me. Yes, It's been two years since that Christmas party and they're still such a cute little couple.

"Daddy put me down I wanna play with Bea!" Bella exclaims. I set her down and she goes over to them and joins in with them playing some scissor, paper, hand rock games.

We get home and Christopher immediately runs to Tris.

"MOMMMY I MISSED YOU!" he screams and jumps into her arms. She picks him up and kisses his cheek. He is the biggest Momma's boy ever.

You can see Tris in all of them, I mean the boys look similar to me and so do my daughters, but they all have Tris' features.

"How was work?" She asks, pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Good, How was Logan and Maggie?" I question and she groans.

"Mag's got jealous cause I was holding and feeding Logan, so she complained until I let her eat her sandwhich in my lap." She explains. I pull her into a hug and kiss her forehead softly.

"I love you Tris, kids go play I got to talk to your mom." I tell the kids. They all run off into one of the rooms, we had a small alterization so all four of them would have their own room.

"Whats wrong?" She ask

"Nothing, it's just I got a promotion today, I want to take it but I would have to see Marcus. A Lot." I explain. I hate him so much. I'm just glad I don't treat my kids like he did to me. Me nor Tris have never once laid a hand on any of our children no matter what, they always get sent to their rooms or sit in the corner.

"You don't have to take it. We already train Initiatives, and both have other jobs." She says.

"I know, but I would be working with you. I would see you everyday." I reply

"Well in that case, I mean I do see him a lot, but I won't let him hurt you." She promises

"I'll take it." I finally decide

I only want to be close to her. "Do you know what tomorrow is?" I ask her.

"Yup! We start initiation! Also! Our anniversary!" She exclaims.

"I have something special so Christina said she'd watch the kids for us." I say.

"Okay, I better go check on Logan, he crying." She announces standing up and walking to the back room.

I can't help but lean back and think this is the life...

That was the only Bonus Chapter. The Sequel I will start posting Tuesday (Maybe Wednesday)

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