Chapter 13:- Abnegation.

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{ Edited by @girl_with_the_books }

Tris POV

I turn around to see my father... Okay, what is happening? Like what the actual hell. Why are there a bunch of Abnegation members in the Dauntless compound?

"What are you doing here?" I ask him. "Wait, why were you in my apartment?"

"I was looking for you, but couldn't find you so I left to find someone who could help me locate you. Then I tried again a few days later, and they had said you moved in with a, let me see..." He pauses for a second to think, "Four?" Tobias looks up at him and says "Yes? That would be me?" My father looks at him, and Marcus says "Tobias?" My father looks at me with a wide expression.

"What? I'm 18, almost 19, I can move in with my boyfriend without your permission..." I state dull and straight and to the point with a hint of anger in my voice. He seems taken back by this sudden remark, like the girl he raised in Abnegation would not talk back. Well, he's right, she wouldn't, but I'm not that girl anymore.

"Okay Beatrice, no need to use that tone with me, I just needed to talk, may we go somewhere more private?" He glares as Tobias pulls me closer to him.

"It's Tris," I say plainly, "And sure, but I have a few things we need to talk about too." He stares, before replying, "Okay"

As soon as were alone in the hallway he says: "Tris, I don't want you here in Dauntless. I can pull a few strings and let them allow you back into Abnegation. Me and your Mother miss you and we want you home."

"No! I'm staying here, with Four. I've been here two years, and yes, we have had major problems but I love him and he loves and accepts me, something you have never been able to do! Caleb was always your favorite and Mom wants me to do what makes me happy. And to be 100% honest, I'm happy here, and I love my life! I've moved in with the love of my life, who will protect me and I can't wait to marry him!" This obviously took my father by shock, but it had to be said. I can't keep living in the past and neither can he!

Tobias POV

As soon as Tris and her father went to the hallway I went somewhere I knew I could hear them too.

************************************************Time warp*********************************************** 

After five minutes of listening to Tris and her father talk, I hear Tris' voice start to raise.

 "No! I'm staying here, with Four. I've been here two years, and yes, we have had major problems but I love him and he loves and accepts me, something you have never been able to do! Caleb was always your favorite and Mom wants me to do what makes me happy. And to be 100% honest, I'm happy here, and I love my life! I've moved in with the love of my life, who will protect me and I can't wait to marry him!" Wait, did I just hear that right? Marry me?

Soon enough, I hear Tris storming down the hallway and her dad walking to the cafeteria talking to my father. I run down the hallways to catch up with a crying Tris. She must really be upset about what just happened. I take her back to our apartment and hold her. After 5 minutes of just that I finally ask "Are you okay, Tris?" She smiles and looks up before saying "I am now," then snuggling into my arms and falling asleep.

Friday will be officially 3 years since I first saw Tris at the net, with her jumping and not knowing what was below her. She is so brave... I have a plan, this Friday I will plan a date and propose, I'll get  Christina to help me get a ring and then on from there.

AN: Sorry its still a little short, but its longer than the last. I've been really exhausted and away from internet so I finally got to update .. Ugh, the week we all dread, finales, I'll update as often as I can I will work after school since we have half days and get 1 or two more chapters up I promise! Love you guys! Credits to Veronica Roth! VOTE/COMMENT....


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