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By now, you've surely heard of your father's treason and my inability to keep him safe. I always do my best, Jon, but I cannot help those who seemingly wish to kill themselves. Your father was very ignorant in his actions and choices, but nonetheless, I will do my best to help him—at the very least, I will give him the comfort of knowing you care for him. I've decided to watch over Sansa now, as she's deeply engrossed in the lion den without her father to protect her. I will teach her what she needs to know—and I promise that she will not be chained up as the Lannisters did to your father.

Mind that last sentence—Joffrey was the one to order his imprisonment.

And as for the danger you speak of, I only heighten my plea for you to stay safe. The southerners say that our north is wild, but the lands north of the wall are unknown. We might not wish to know what lurks up there, but I have a feeling (and you've reassured it) that the monsters want to show us themselves.

Valyrion is on a full-fish diet, and I would appreciate if you'd stop feeding him pig.

I am trying,



In Winterfell, Robb's hands drop to his side with tear-stained parchment crumpled between his fingers and his voice wearing off into silence, having recited Sansa's letter back to the leaders of the Winterfell household. Square jaw clenched in obvious anger, Robb barks, "Treason? Sansa wrote this?"

Maester Luwin shakes his head sadly, as if both disappointed that Robb would expect this from Sansa and at the shifting of events towards the Stark's downfall, imparting, "It is your sister's hand, but the Queen's words. And look, your wax sigil has been given a mane...a friend of ours in King's Landing likely. You are summoned to King's Landing to swear fealty to the new King."

"Joffrey puts my father in chains, now he wants his ass kissed?" the new Lord of Winterfell clarifies, startled by this utter ploy on part of Joffrey.

"This is a royal command, My Lord. If you should refuse to obey..."

Robb Stark's eyes glint and then focus on Maester Luwin--the look in his eye and clenching of his jaw well know by the Maester given their years together. A look of determination...and making of trouble. And Robb certifies as much, reciting, "I won't refuse. His Grace summons me to King's Landing, I'll go to King's Landing...But not alone. Call the banners."

"All of them, My Lord?"

Robb cocks his head "They've all sworn to defend my father, have they not?"

"They have," the Maester replies warily, knowing the decision has been made.

"Now we see what their words are worth."


Jon Snow hardly thinks he deserves to be locked away in the room--driven to 'attack' his 'brother' by the man's ultimate hatred for him and wish for his head to be cut from his body. Yes, the bastard of Winterfell is sorely hating of Alliser Thorne that night--as any man might--and his dreams linger in that anger, passionate in their actions towards the thoughts that cross his unconscious mind. It is late and he is hungry, but dreams never cease to be important for those with Stark blood.

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