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Gabrielle launches herself from the ship as soon as they're tied to the dock, bolting down wooden path with Trident on her heels and the slavers left behind

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Gabrielle launches herself from the ship as soon as they're tied to the dock, bolting down wooden path with Trident on her heels and the slavers left behind. And though it had been nothing short of a frantic furry for the past week---even with the winds on their side--Gabrielle stops all at once at the sight waiting for her at the end of the dock, her eyebrows quirking in disbelief.

"Shaggydog? Lady?" she questions the presence of the two wolves. At their names, the direwolves perk up and rise, eyes gazing into Gabrielle's with a devout loyalty she cannot quite understand. From behind her, Grey Wind rushes to his brother and sister, the other two greeting their litter mate with great cause for excitement.

How in the Sevens did they know she was coming here? Gabrielle shakes her head at the wonder of these wolves, remembering her quest and forgetting the quandary. She whistles for the excited wolve's attention, "Shaggy, Lady, Grey Wind. Time to go."

After paying for a horse and supplies, Gabrielle quickly mounts the mare who's known for her speed--or so the owner said. Ensuring they can keep pace, Gabrielle gallops off into the depths of the Northern forest with few noticing the strange 'wolf-woman' and none knowing her from rumour.


"The Lord of Light protect us, for the night is dark and full of terrors!" the Red Priestess chants before the pyre of a young girl and princess, her parents in attendance and the girl screaming with that need to live, to not go out as ash.

"Mother, don't do this please! Please help! Don't do this! Please, father! Mother, help!" Her shouts do not echo on deaf ears as Melisandre lights the pyre and Shireen screams at the burning of her skin. Selyse Baratheon bolts forward to save her daughter, but is confined by the soldiers even as she shoves and screams and tries to save Shireen. Stannis forces himself to watch, the confliction evident in the light of his daughter's pyre and her screaming, and Melisandre seems rather content in her success at this scene. But when the screams stop and the fire wanes, and the night turns its fury asunder, there is no red magic to keep the men loyal to a king who kills daughters at the promises of riches.


Even though she's the mere rider, Gabrielle huffs short breaths of exhaustion as she rides from White Harbor and towards Winterfell, avoiding the obvious trails and letting the wolves lead her--trusting them with Sansa's help. But like her visit prior that had her paranoid of the lurking darkness and legends, and despite growing from her childish perceptions, Gabrielle cannot help checking her surroundings every few minutes as they thunder through the underbrush. And to the extent of her innate fear, Gabrielle's nearly thrown from the mare as Valyrion suddenly lands on her shoulder with a message. Collecting herself, she slows the mare to a stop and unties the message from Valyrion's leg, popping the wax seal as uneasiness seeps over her.

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