Cousin Conundrum 3

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  Calvin's POV

"Oh let's go there! No there! That store looks cute!" Jathee dashes from storefront to storefront viewing what each one held.

"Slow down Jathee!" I call out to her. "Can you at least help me with the things you bought?" She ended up making me carry all the goods she bought.

"Sorry. How about we stop for lunch then?"

"Sounds good." Finally a moment to rest. We headed to food court to get lunch. "Before you ask, No we aren't gonna buy sushi"

"Aw you meanie. That's what japan is all about though"

"Another time. Let's have a burger instead"

"Fine, fine. Next time Kavil Kutty." I stick my tongue out at her as we get in line to order our food.

Yuuki's POV

After picking out some clothing, we thought of heading to the food court for lunch.

"What are you in the mood for Yuuki?" Asuna asks. I look around to see what seemed good. I immediately noticed-


"Calzone? I didn't know that was-" I grab Asuna and hide in one of the stores. Calvin and the girl walk pass by. "Yuuki, what is it?"

"Calvin and the girl are heading to the food court too"

"Then we can meet them. Surely they are just friends"

"N-no it's alright. Can we just keep and eye on them?"

"Fine, if you're too shy to ask"

"Thanks Asuna..for understanding" We grab our food and stake out a few tables away. I was still antsy about that girl being with Calvin. They seemed so..perfect for each other.

Calvin POV

"So how is the burger?" I ask Jathee. She ordered a shrimp burger which was something 'fish' related as Jathee puts it.

"It's great! The best thing I've had since I left India"

"You sure? I think they put a bit too much wasabi in it." Jathee's eyes were tearing up from the heat.

"Nonsense! I didn't know it was spicy at all." She takes another bite and tries to swallow the wasabi hidden in it.

"Oh Jathee, here have some cola." I hand her the bottle and she quickly downs it.

"See? Not spicy at all." I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh Kavil, you have some ketchup on your cheek"

"Huh? Where?"

"One second." Jathee leans over and wipes off the ketchup with her hand. "There you" Jathee says wiping her hand on a napkin.

Yuuki's POV

(Yuuki's Vision):

  My world shattered at the sight

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  My world shattered at the sight. It couldn't be true, no nothing like it at all! The dream, the blood, the love, all a coincidence? A FAKE!!

"Yuuki?" Asuna calls to me. "Yuuki you're tearing up. What happened now?" I get up and dash away.

"Yuuki!" Asuna calls.

"Yuuki! Wait!" Calvin calls to me. 

Did he notice me? That couldn't be true, he is too busy with that girl. I run away into the mall. Hopefully losing behind this lie I've been living.  

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